I guess if you split the difference between the U.K. and the U.S., you would get Canada. But that's just due to proximity. Just because of distance, we get a lot more cultural spillover from America.
Any artist that is even surviving right now is a dark horse because things change pretty fast. You're a superstar one day and wake up the next day and you're anonymous. To be successful in any way is...
I'm always at the opposite end of the spectrum, the opposite of hipster culture, and I enjoy that.
Sometimes I write about things that never happened to me that wind up happening to me. When you put things out in the universe, sometimes they wind up coming true.
It's more difficult to write a song about having your heart ripped out of your chest while you're in love. Because it lacks honesty. And the honesty comes through in the music, it really does.
I honestly think that with every song you release you have to keep winning your own fans over again.
Too many times I've heard records from bands who were obviously, like, 'Well, we're at least gonna do half as well as we did on our last record. At least we can count on that.' You really have to keep...
After this many years of being a lead singer in a touring rock band, I've had my fair share of fun. But those days are long behind me.
I definitely consider myself a songwriter first because that's my best attribute.