I am deeply saddened by the death of my dear friend, Dudley Moore.
Friends are readily disappointed by the size of my closet. And I thought it was big!
I write 'by the seat of my pants.' I love to do research. I am inspired by contemporary writers and contemporary events. I live in the real world.



Being by the nature of my upbringing, all my energies having been directed to one channel of activity, crippled from other activities and made helpless even to live.



I was devastated by the loss of my job in March, although I can understand why it occurred.
By the fulfillment of my legal and moral duty I think I have earned punishment just as little as the tens of thousands of dutiful German officials who have now been imprisoned only because they...
I found out was, by the rhythm of my chewing, how I chewed fast, slow or what have you, I could tell the audience what my character was thinking and feeling.



I did everything by the seat of my pants. That's why I got hurt so much.
We have been speaking about the culture of the orphan, which I equate to and use synonymously with the culture of the fatherless. And what we were saying is that following the fall of man in the...
The Lord clearly defined the roles of providing for and rearing a righteous posterity. In the beginning, Adam, not Eve, was instructed to earn the bread by the sweat of his brow.