bjbj Hello everyone! I'd like to show you something I've made. I call it a prototype PIP-Boy two thousand plus. It has this eight position knob and a little speaker right here...
I started dancing when I was 13 and it's been 15 years since I became a B-Boy. I found my style through observing other dancers. I saw what they had that I didn't have, and tried...
Visiting schools throughout the country for his recent report, Sir Peter Williams observed much existing good practice in mathematics. However, his review does identify some key areas where maths...
In 2008 we brought you all the hottest dance moves to help keep you in the loop. [music] One more time. But now those moves are old and out of date and you need something new. So eatyourkimchi now...
STEP 1 After washing your hair in the morning. Blow-dry it with a dryer. Do not just blow on the surface of your hair, blow from the root. Pull up a lock of hair, blow towards the root, then your hair...
化妝前,我會先用Loreal-HydraFRESH爽膚水,配合埋化妝棉全面塗抹一次,可以將多餘的污垢及油脂抹掉 近期最愛用這支能量保濕水,滴幾滴,拍幾拍,皮膚立即充滿能量! 皮膚夠水潤,才能令底妝更貼服! LOREAL 深層保濕精華,質地好水好滑,兩邊臉龐用三隻手指向上拉,更可收緊面部輪廓! 韓國妝容最緊要輪廓及透薄,特別是男生!所以我選了比我膚色淺一度的RVB粉底液 只是塗上了六個位置, 鼻樑...
Subtitles by 4IMPROVE Yes y'all and Jigga man be ballin' Leave chicks pigeon-toed some of them be crawlin' Get the best of you whenever I put my all in Have mamis for the Lord...
Thanks to the Humble Bundles, I managed to obtain Fez while donating to charity! So I'll avoid certain comments made by a certain piscean creator and just talk about the game. Fez set the...
Okay, Victoria, first of all you need a bit of mousse in there. About the size of a golf ball. It’s not gonna give me Eighties wet look? It’s not gonna give you any Eighties wet look. Yeah that’s...
So what’s the problem with your hair then, James? I’m just having a bit of a boring hair day. It’s just curly at the front, y’know, and too flat on top. I mean it’s not really exciting. Don’t worry...