Sr. Presidente, tengo una declaración más fuerte que tengo la intención de hacer más tarde. Pero como yo entiendo el tiempo se trunca , voy a esperar a que porque no voy a equívocos en algo que me...
Ever since Sonic Lost World was announced, the Deadly Six have been front and center as the big new enemy. And with the release of the newest trailer, we finally have a better idea of what fighting...
This time we'll be taking a look at a boss battle secret in Yoshi's Island for the Super Nintendo Now as you may already know, the bosses in Yoshi's Island can be pretty...
In October of 2011, Dark Soul was unleashed on the world; mercilessly smearing players on the walls for the PS3 and Xbox. Surprisingly, PC gamers saw this masochistic nightmare and wanted in on the...
Orionzilla Terraria Minecraft Speedart Time Vortex By MrPARADOXPICS VVVVVV - Predestined Fate Battle Starts Brain Of Cthulhu's Death Eye Of Cthulhu's Death QX3088 - Shadows...



Hoang: Hey FAT Butcher!!! Hoang: I'll come to kill you - Big Blood Sucker!!! :P BUTCHER: HEY!!! DON'T call me as fat blood sucker ... ugly asian fighter >_< ! ! ! Hoang:...



[alarms] Sir! The enemy force is approaching! Oh calm down, Ensign. You're in the largest battlecruiser in the fleet. There is nothing out there that would do so much as- It's the...



Over the course of your career, you're inevitably going to deal with a bad boss. Kind of like the old dating adage "A leopard doesn't change his spots,"...



Ok. So this is a short part showcasing the alternate path in stage 3. So to access the bonus bosses, just climb this wall. And this not at all creepy fellow will offer you a chance to "make...



are at hello my children staggs four four four four and taylor's watch me be the foundation %uh that I don't think the impact is from that's this yeah he just might help might...

