Birthday Parties

Hi everyone. Melissa here,, talking about how to save big when it comes to birthday parties. Five kids, my oldest is now 8, so I have had my share of parties, and I've been learning that...
On behalf of Expert Village, my name is Paul Anderson from the ABC Circus here in Hollywood, Florida and we're going to do how to be a clown. "Well, Mr. Chicken, the other day I told a very...
Okay, so you've painted your face. Now how do you make the design really, really stand out? There's a couple of different things we can do with a full face Spiderman. Number one is, at the points...
Hello, my name is Nicole Valentine and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to talk to you about how to coordinate birthday games for a birthday party. Now let's talk about another common game that...
Hi guys I'm Rachel and welcome to my new channel, Rachel Republic. today I'm gonna be doing a quick little tutorial on how to make a tassel garland that's perfect for birthday...
20 is the best age to be. I'm 20 now. I don't know about that. It was incredible to turn 18. I was born in August so I had to watch all my friends turn 18, going off to parties while I...
Hi everyone I am Niharika and welcome back. Well, in today’s lesson we are going to learn how to describe a party. We all attend parties, Right? Maybe a birthday bash, maybe an anniversary bash, a...
("Crooked Country Road") - Hi, I'm Ashley. - And name is Miles and - We've been together for seven years. - Seven and a half years. - I'm Ada. - And...
Aretha Franklin was in the mood for celebrating, and not just because she had a birthday party. "Good news, we're ready to sign for the movie," Franklin said Thursday night...
Some of us feel that our little girl pups are our little "princesses." So why not treat them like one? Get her a very fashionable dog bed.. There are some with four posters. You can...