Yesterday we looked at some of the words in that story that were tricky words, that were new words that we weren't quite sure of and Kathleen's going to help us remember those today....



Gene therapy has the potential to save millions of lives if we can just figure out how to make it work. Hey peeps, thanks for tuning in to Dnews. I'm Trace. Gene therapy sounds like a nice...
皆さん こんにちは リル―です 今日のソウル・セッションは ロマンスがテーマです 今回のゲストは ゲイ・ヘンドリックス氏 夫妻はおしどり夫婦として知られ オプラなど有名番組に出演し 多数の著書を出版 ベストセラーも数知れず 多くの人生を変えてきました 今日のセッションで 取り上げるのは 長続きする関係のヒケツや 独身者の悩み 心が満たされ 愛にあふれた関係を 作る方法などです では...
Buongiorno i miei deliziosi co creatori, sono Lilou ! Sono entusiata di annunciarvi oggi che sto per diffondere e condividere con voi qualcosa che voglio chiamare "La serie...
Hans Rosling: 200 years ago, United Kingdom was the leading nation in the world, both with regard to health and average income per person. Look at my graph. Each bubble is a country. The color shows...



I guess I never really thought much about what it would be like to be a fish. But this guy has. First of all, I'm Don Berry, I'm a professional fisherman.....I was asked today to come...
All physics of the 19th century and earlier is called classical physics. Examples are Newtonian mechanics, which we dealt with this whole term, and electricity and magnetism, which you will encounter...



Collaborative reasoning ah, is an approach we've developed to ah, classroom instruction ah, to make a big leap beyond the usual ways of classroom discussion, ah, which are ah, called...

