Those lips, those eyes, that hair Oh baby never have I met a man so debonair Wilbur can't you feel the burn and flame of our desire? You're gonna need more that some seltzer to put out...
I'm not freestyling, I'm too old. I wrote you a sonnet instead My wife’s the reason anything gets done She nudges me towards promise by degrees She is a perfect symphony of one Our...
SONG: "BEAUTY OF YOU" BY RUIZ The clouds are lit like Tangerine Tonight we're looking gritty and mean Lock and loaded, ready to roll Stay with us, we're out of...
But I think everything is going to be fine Mister President We're all going to rebuild the playground It will be so beautiful and you won't believe it So, don't hang around,...
Le dunya foo - to a high world fiha han'eeh - in it we'll live um mundo ideal - an ideal world so seu e meu - for you and me Un nouveau monde - A new world Une nouvelle vie - A new...



It's a beautiful day The sun is shining I feel good And no-one's gonna stop me now, oh yeah It's a beautiful day I feel good, I feel right I feel good, I feel right And no-one, no-one's gonna stop me...
It was a beautiful dream, it lasted all of the evening Music crawling all across my ears – play on, play it You were a beautiful being, without a man for the evening If you’re going, then I’m going...
I may not live to see our glory! (I may not live tos ee our glory~) But I've seen wonders great and small. (I've seen wonders great and small~) 'Cuz if the tomcat can get...
We Have Arrived, At A Moment In Our Lives When The Future Passes Into Our Hands We Can Find Out Are We Really Strong Enough To Fulfill What The Future Demands We Can Stand On The Edge And Look Out...
J'aimerai bien faire de grand voyage Découvrir des pays sauvages, Tous ces trésors que l'ont nous cache Les mines d'or que les hommes s'arrachent Savoir à quoi...

