Baby Development

>> MOM VO: What do I need to know about pregnancy nutrition? >> EXPERT VO: Eating for two doesn't just mean eating more. For a healthy baby, it helps to be smart about what...



A viewer wants to know, "What is considered a full-term delivery? I thought 38 weeks was ok, but my doctor says it is not." Well, it's very important to note that medical experts have...



>> MOM VO: Any tips on what to eat when pregnant? >> EXPERT VO: Every woman is different, but on average a pregnant woman starting at a healthy weight may need to gain 25...



There was one other big surprise those first few weeks-- how much he slept. He slept a lot, but it was more like two to four hour naps and then wake up to eat, which I learned is perfectly normal. And...
[MUSIC PLAYING] Babies might not be able to see very far when they're first born, but their hearing is very good right from the start. Now, within a couple of months, all of our children responded to...
Between nine to 11 months your baby's going to start to explore the orld a lot more, perhaps more than you want the baby to, so safety is always an issue. At nine months a baby is going to start to...



Being a teenager is hard. And so is living with one, I'm told. No human gets to escape this moody, angsty, confusing phase And interestingly, such an extended adolescence is unique to humans....
“Will I be able to read other people’s minds if I study psychology?” I get this question from my students every year. “No. You can’t read people’s minds that easily.” “Why?” “You can’t see a person’s...
The building in Huruma collapsed last Friday night after days of heavy rain. (Reuters Photo) Kenya: A Kenyan woman has been rescued after being trapped for six days in the rubble of a collapsed...
What is my baby doing at 6 weeks pregnant? Not much, since it is about seven millimeters long, though the heart will be beating about now. That's a long way from this week, your baby is...