International students from all over the world love coming to Australian beaches but it's absolutely critical that they understand how to play safe and have a great time at the same time. The...
"Your husband was happy." You trying to make me cry... Actually, how should I say this. I really... wanted... ... to win this as an anniversary gift to Jiang Shan But, how should I...
We've got record high prices in Australia, record low interest rates, some worry about a bubble. Do you think there is a bubble that's about to burst, and cause a housing crash like...
Hello Hi are you aware of the new privacy law changes the new law that comes into effect on the 12th of March you're not you should be your privacy policy must include how you deal with...



Searching for tenders can be a time consuming job, so we established to help businesses find new tenders and to save time and resources in the process. Every day we search the...
Dr Scott Power: A climate model is a mathematical representation of the physics of the climate systems so with climate models we can do a whole range of different things. We can predict what might...
The Australian Government has introduced biometrics collection as part of the visa process. Every year, thousands of international travellers have their identities stolen. Biometrics is an important...
The Australian economy enters 2014 in a relatively soft position. Economic growth in the year to September 2013 slowed to just 2.3%. Although this continued Australia's 23 year expansion,...
VOICE-OVER: Looking for a way to get back on track? With lots of different career opportunities to consider? If you are eligible, the Access Program provides you with free job preparation, free...
Business Visas Australia Hello, I'm Mege Dalton of Business Visas Australia. I wanted to make a quick video about the recent changes to the Australian business visa programme. The changes came...