AMANDA CLAIRE: So, just so we can look at it, I'm starting to take some of these screws out that are holding the circuit board in place; remember, I'm going to be real careful to put...



Bonjour, je m'appelle Stoya Aujourd'hui je vais vous lire un extrait de "Degrés de nécrophilie" de Supervert Nous étions à une soirée ensemble En l'honneur...
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- Please introduce yourself. I'm Jeroen Nadorp and working at Bob Kommer Sound Studios in The Netherlands. I do the sound design for series, films and features. - What means...



AMANDA CLAIRE: All right, so it's time to connect the wires to our switch. We got our switch installed, here it is. It's a single-pole-double-throw switch. The point that we want to...
AMANDA CLAIRE: So, we got lucky that time. There are a lot of other kinds of bends that you can find. Many of them will change the pitch of the sound, either change the pitch up or change the pitch...



AMANDA CLAIRE: All right, now we're really going to crack the case. I've got all the screws out. I have these two set aside, because they were the ones in the handle, so mainly...



AMANDA CLAIRE: All right. So again, you just kind of do this in an exploratory way, and you can take hours doing this. I found a little bend here which isn't a hugely exciting one but...
AMANDA CLAIRE: So, when you're exploring your circuit board looking for bends, anything can happen. Realize that a circuit board isn't just kind of a network where electricity flows...

