1 This record is about overcoming challenges. It's very important to fight for what you feel is right. We were backed into a corner. For us, it was all or nothing... Sometimes you have to fight in...



What's up House crew? I'm Pete with Rome SDS here, giving you the 2011 Artifact snowboard. The board is loaded, for me, good fun on the jib world. We've got our Impact Core...



In prehistoric times, the gods came down to Earth. Now we shall learn their fearful legacy and its effect on mankind. Brought to you by: BiGGuY-Fansubbing Emerging evil is born whispering A forgotten...



In prehistoric times, the gods came down to Earth. Now we shall learn their fearful legacy and its effect on mankind. Brought to you by: BiGGuY-Fansubbing THE GUYVER BIO-BOOSTERARMOR Emerging evil is...



In prehistoric times, the gods came down to Earth. Now we shall learn their fearful legacy and its effect on mankind. Brought to you by: BiGGuY-Fansubbing Emerging evil is born whispering A forgotten...
NARRATOR: From the makers of The Big Artifact and The Huge Artifact comes The Gigantic Artifact. DAD: Let's examine this map, Doug, so that we can find the artifact. DOUG: Oh, you mean that...
My subjects are artifacts, machines, belonging to the first time of industrialisation, till the end of 50's of the last century. That is the reason of my, sometimes, giant paintings even 6.5 x...
Whats up Leo here. Just got off the Rome Artifact Rocker. in a 153. I'm going to give this board a 4 out of 5 stars. It's a great Jib deck. This is your for the park kid. This is going...
A "View" in Mahara is essentially a group of artifacts. And views can be really helpful as you move forward developing your ePortfolio for your Certification Showcase. For example,...