Are you spreading lies on Facebook? Probably. True: Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency. False: uh, most of the stuff he says. So why doesn’t anyone care that Trump...
Peace be to you. At the end of my speech, you will be convinced that both words Allah and Kaaba have predated Islam and the Quran. This means the paganism of pre Islamic period is carried on after...
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. And the year 6009 will be the very first year since 1961 that a year when written in Hindu-Arabic numerals can be inverted and still look the same. But you and I probably...
Anat Rishon Lezion My sister in law On both sides, your parents are Libyan? Yes They were both from Tripoli? Yes, Libya from Tripoli Do you still do something at home that... Of course! What do you...
What do you know about Shiites? I didn't know these are questions where you need to know something Yaron and Sharon Tel Aviv What are Shiites? Isn't it a denomination of Islam? A...
Welcome to Fokaira channel Today's recipe the Vegan mayonnaise I took it from the page Vegan cuisine - Arabic & traditional It is a Facebook page for Vegan recipes in Arabic If this is...
Hola a todos. Bienvenidos al canal LangFocus. Mi nombre es Paul Hoy vamos a hablar sobre el idioma maltés. El idioma maltés es un idioma único e interesante, ya que es un idioma semítico con una...
Many brands manufacturing beauty products get their products certified halal to cater to a larger market. Paris: A bearded imam may have seemed out of place at this week's In-Cosmetics expo in...
(LOUD AND INTENSE LOVEMAKING) ROOMMATES: Grab her! I'm going to pull your hair! It's my turn! I called it! Bitch! Whoa. ROOMMATE: Fuck you, Kate! You're going to bounce up and...
The student said the woman sitting in front of him in the plane began staring at him after he spoke in Arabic. (Representational Image) Los Angeles, California: A University of California, Berkeley...