Man ändert niemals Dinge, indem man die existierende Realität bekämpft. Um etwas zu ändern, schaffe ein neues Model, welches das existierende hinfällig macht. Der Punkt ist, man muss lernen wie man...
Hi, my name is Alex Lehmann and I’m the Senior Character Animator here at Riot Games. We received many questions about how we were animating our characters and so I thought it would be easier to show...
This blade has a dark past. It has shed much innocent blood. You're a fool for traveling alone, so completely unprepared. You're lucky your blood's still flowing. Thank you....
At the left we can see... At the right we can see the... ...the head-snarlers Everything is safe.|Perfectly safe. Emo? Watch out! Are you hurt? I don't think so.|You? I'm Ok. Get...