Dark Link is cold… *sad face* I hate wandering the frozen wastes… Why can't I wander lost on a nice beach? A castle! Maybe I can stay here for the night! And maybe steal some stuff… Hmm…no...



Hello, My name is Bassam Alasad Director and Producer for "On the Edge" Movie My name is Nora Bajes, I'm the screenwriter for "On the Edge" Movie My name is...



Hello everybody from AC News! Let’s watch the trailer for The Conspirator, see you right after with the news! Directed by Robert Redford, The Conspirator is based on the true story of Mary Surratt,...



(Various gun shots and explosions) (Light stringed instrumental music) Hey, what's that? Something I'm sure you know nothing about. What? It's called a book. Oh, (laughs)...
HELLO THERE! MY name happens to be William B. the 4th, head of William B. Corporation. Myes, the largest supplier AND inventor of the mechanical pen. Oh, but today I have something even BETTER than a...
:Donnie, yen, 甄子丹, Bruce, Lee, 李小龍,Donnie Yen (Film Editor), Bruce Lee (Author), Martial, Combat (Media Genre),Warrior's Dream,武之夢 ,Bruce Lee,idol,fearless, music, bruce, lee, jet, li,...
Reading Parshat Terumah is like reading a furniture assembly manual in the original Swedish. It contains very technical instructions on how to construct God’s sanctuary and unless you took woodshop...
Hello guys, um mm I want to teach you a really neat way whatever I do to um mm get the snapshots for your Minecraft. Um mm, this right here is the new launcher right? OK. So what I did. I've...
Hi, my name is Amy Jones with Re/Max Infinity. If you're looking for a custom home in Chandler featuring over 5,000 square feet with 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, and an attached guest house with no...
right on, give it to em' That's the stuff Fall back, fall back Sir yes Sir sir, the clones are fleeing Cowards, secure the area Roger,Roger we'll box them in then blast them to...