American Horror Story

Why I had to leave Paris, the jewel of civilization, return to this shit hole, I'll never understand. Boy, don't set those down. They go upstairs. No. The yellow one. Brown. Brown like your skin....
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Your highest honor comes at the greatest price. Death is not uncommon. And danger... ...inescapable. Attempting the Seven Wonders can get you killed. But perform them......
♪ So long ago ♪ Certain place, certain time ♪ You touched my hand ♪ On the way ♪ On the way down to Emmiline ♪ But if our paths ♪ Never cross ♪ Well, you know I'm sorry but ♪ If I live to see the...
Gentlemen, I want you to meet my daughters, Marie Louise Pauline, Marie Louise Jeanne, and from my first marriage, Marie Delphine Lopez. But everyone calls her Borquita. What they may lack in outer...
.ها هو .واحد أخر كل مرة استخدم فيها ذلك الدجاج .الأبله كطعم أجد تمساحاً .إنها الرائحة، للعلم يمكنك أن تعمي التمساح ،وسيظل ،بإمكانه الصيد للحصول على الطعام ،لكن لو سددت أنفه .سيموت من الجوع أجل، لكنه...
(glass shatters) WOMAN (distantly): Fiona. Fiona! I thought you had gone with the other girls down to Jackson Square to burn your bra. Why? So I can gag on the toxic fumes coming off all that burning...
(tires screech) (women talking indistinctly) Oh, don't you worry about a thing, mon chérie. I got you covered. Oh... Cora, what's gotten into you today? I'm sorry. I-It's just Henry's first day of...
MAN (drunkenly): ♪ Meet you all the way ♪ Yeah, ah (humming) ♪ Take you all the way ♪ Do-do-do ♪ Rosanna, yeah ♪ Take you all the way (song plays in the background) ♪ Ooh-hoo-hoo (laughs) ♪ Oh, yeah...
Let me guess. You work the late shift, some shit-hole diner. Now you're taking the shortcut home. You don't go home till I say. Make me fight for it, I'll carve you up in big thick slices, then plug...
Oh. Morning. Here. Coffee? Yeah, with a little milk and sugar. My daddy let me try it on my first hunting trip. You get a little older, we'll add a little hooch in there. That'll really keep us warm....