Marhaban, O yaran of Shahi Mardan. "Falhukmu Lillahi l-Aliyi l-Kabir" (40:12). "The Judgement belongs to Allah Almighty." Ya Jabbar, Ya Qahhar. Ya Sattar, Ya...
Dastur ya Shah-i Mardan O lion of the arenas, Shah-i Mardan dastur! O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. O lovers of Shah-i Mardan. Let us say: Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. How lovely, how very lovely. The power...
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ay yaran Shah-i Mardan, your Lovers are in awe of you. Let us listen to a few of your words. May this state be taken from us and changed for the better. "Kulla...