Absolutely Fabulous

Well Tom and Mary, you've made it to the final round. Are you ready to play for the grand prize? - We're ready Bob! - Any particular prize you're hoping for? Well Hawaii's nice but Tahiti would be fun...



Trewithen Dairy is very much a family business. We employ about 150 people supplying a fabulous product all over the south west and working with my two sons who are full-time in the business, which is...



[ Music ] >> And I think that Wells Fargo Advisors has a real commitment to diversity. At this firm, people actually really still matter. >> Wells Fargo has been very...



So sorry, Fluttershy. I hate being late for our weekly get-together. The usual! But you will not believe what happened to me. Is everything all right? Oh, it's much more than all right. I was on my...
TV We're looking now at J10738, the ladies' diamond-cut, rope-effect hoop earrings. That's J10738. £18.99p. RINGING Shh... Hi, I'm Ben. Throughout the week, I'll be showing you courses of...
Morning, Saffron. Instructions. Damn! Let's turn now to the mechanism of protein synthesis. What is this called? Translation. Because the four-letter alphabet of... nucleic acids is translated into...



Oh, God! - Hello, hello. - Patsy, darling. Sit down. I could be called to that podium at any moment. Relax, darling. Have a little of this Stolly for emotion. PRs' PR. It won't be the first award, but...
Mum! Mum! Help, help, help! Stop! That would never have happened, darling, if this room had been a little bit bigger. Nobody I know has cupboards like this any more. You know... I need another room,...



So, what's all this in aid of? It's not Christmas again, is it? - Seems like only yesterday. - Seems like only last year. - Well, it's every year, you know, dear. - It's New Year's Eve. Should auld...
Let's kick ass, sweetie. This afternoon will be fine. But check on that. Bobby, I don't like that and that. And I don't want that. I just want those. - Morning, darling. - Morning. Thank you, sweetie....