Salut ! Je suis Jordan de La Dispute. C'est un peu la combinaison des deux. En fait sur le premier album nous avons commencé avec les chansons, on se rassemblait et on écrivait les chansons...
Hey guys! As always, DaganMind And today, I'll explain how to create FIRE with After Effects so... INTRO! Well, to create fire we'll use a Trapcode plugin called Particular You can...



George: Where the hell is it Lennie : George ? George: Yea ? Lennie: Where are we going ? George: Oh you crazy bastard ! Lennie: I forgot George, i tried not to but i forgot George: I spend all my...
JFIF Exif $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ,cnN qu_) 5\5A dloR@ OcXK6 WU?/ DJ38 j'd1 Mo9l XaFz...
Danielle: For this week's installment in our eco-wedding series, we're gonna talk about transportation. I'm here with Aaron Bell with Revolution Rickshaws and he's...



welcome everybody to i_d_ sports locked out ben nighthorse rich trumka u_c_l_a_ basketball the focus of the story in sports illustrated by george dorman it is a telling story confirming what uh......
>> Dr. Nancy K. Farber: [audience applause] [Guitar playing] ♪ You see I need to be alone. ♪ ♪ I must go through this on my own. ♪ ♪ You'll have to let me feel my pain. ♪ ♪...