Hi! My name is Brenda Thompson, registered dietitian and owner of Life Skills Nutrition. In this segment, I'm going to talk about protein and blood sugar control. Protein helps low the...
Hello everyone. My name is Matt Fuller. This is Denise Bennet, my partner. We are the proud facilitators of the Light and Love Cafe. We are here on behalf of the expert village. So, what we've...
Low Calorie Diet Food Guide What do you mean by Low Calorie Food? Low calorie foods are determined through its caloric content. In order for a food to be considered low calorie, it should contain 40...
This burrito is delicious, but it is filling. - ( tires screeching ) - ron: Whoa! Antony and cleopatra! ( groaning ) <i>( groaning continues )</i> Goddamn son of-- What the...
Hi. I'm Jonny. Welcome, it's my Food Fest today. I'm going to show you how to make amazing burgers. [Music] First step is beef in a bowl. All this is, is just a one bowl, one...