Keep 'em comin', pal. You're doing great. Say, maybe you can help me. I'm lookin' for a dame. Aren't we all? This one's special. You know her?...



Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home. And mine. And mine. For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. There are vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers, witches, and even hybrids....
Alguno, quedaos con Betsy Por favor Porque yo no puedo y alguno de nosotros tenemos que dar el paso. Por favor. ¿No quieres cuidarme? Me encanta pasar tiempo contigo. ¿Y a dónde iré? No lo sé,...



No estamos dejando que nadie la vea. Es lo principal. El aislamiento lleva al sufrimiento y éste a la emoción. Ha estado días aquí. ¿No ha mejorado nada? Es que no quiere, Caroline. Aún no. Está...



El reloj está roto. ¿Para qué pago mis impuestos? Voy a poner una queja. ¿Por eso estás aquí? Me dejaste a cargo de Jeremy cuanto te fuiste a Whitmore. He tenido esto en mi calendario durante meses....



The Course Design Institute is based, in part, in terms of the framework we use on the work of Grant Wiggins. And Wiggins is well known for his idea of Backwards Design. Backwards Design starts with a...
TRACY: What do you think? ADAM: Yeah, that's... GRANT: With warmer temperatures Ms. Tracy's been out looking for shed antlers and Kable saw something very rare in Indiana. ANNOUNCER:...
Damon I know I said it helped me find your brother I can't read this entire Corey its enormous i'm aware. that been clearly that's why we want a dub thousand body here because...