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customer although the holder is with us use the congressional progressive caucus
cloture and u_s_ congressman from tucson the seventh district of arizona
harrison welcome back to the program thank you very much but to be would be a
pond the very always i'm pleased to have you with us aunt tell us what's going on
with regard to people that's a caucus
and or individual members of congress or whatever may be and the occupy wall
street movement the ninety nine percent movement other groups that are springing
up around the country are your thoughts and
and what's going on with welcome will uh... are
initially you know when it started in the book
aggressive cop cookbook indicated ah...
uh... support for poor book the occupiers with uh...
had been and we did fill in saying that this is uh...
a legitimate expression of prod the frustration
a legitimate expression of free speech and more importantly uh... appropriate
to uh...
to what has been the direction of policy and politics in this country for about a
decade plots and uh...
and and that the fact that uh...
people have taken
uh... to utilizing their free speech and to assembling people eat
works uh... an indication that uh...
political leadership there start looking
yeah and
end and acting
it's hectic uh...
any thoughts on what the indicting the
man he's got a few of the groups of have issued list of demands the dough in
generally speaking
the main message seems to be things are not write things are unfair things are
not working rhamat cell where i don't think any more my words not there's and
uh... you know it's up to you guys i mean you're you know you don't you're a
member of congress for example talk to you guys are tutored
pass the laws to make things right so what would those be in your mind well i
i think i think the message of that because that effect that the other day
this from production
but particularly in with both
the republican leadership in congress to to fail you or others to stay for that
matter to faye will we need a list of demands in order to for us to know what
they want well uh... you know if renfro
if elected officials uh... in congress and the republican leadership are
looking for a prescription uh... uh...
one not forthcoming because we have yet to to issue a prescription from congress
is to how we rectified
what i think it was central theme of the becky prior to that might be wrong it's
uh... at the tissue and a fairness in the end of governor perry
large practical palatial character and uh... and i think that uh...
one way to to to pretend to balances scales against it for congress to
preparing around about the deficit than the super committee and where do we cut
taxes more how how do we keep up the policies that have got up in the fight
economical uh... how do we continue to perpetuate both policies you got a break
away from that and and i think uh... what the occupiers and i think uh... and
not only the people there
physically there
uh... but uh... i think oh vast majority of american people are telling congress
uh... is to just to break out of the pigeon-holed over it
entities something big had to do something up for the american people
and what we have please sent to the blue pacific committee
uh... what we fought for over four what we believe
graphic opera based on the people's budgets four trillion dollars
uh... worked the paving to be reinvested in chopped
you be reinvested in rebuilding america to be reinvested in the program for
vital to the future of the patient
um... not to be left a message for security and medicare uh... and
and we'd get that uh... by rolling back uh... some of the break that we've been
given to me of corporate america as a consequence of uh... the fiscal policies
of the last ten years
uh... closing loopholes
of assuring that wealthy pay their fair share and that uh... the very rich in
this country pay their fair share
and that you begin to balance a scale so i think uh...
that the fairness issue that's involved
what we ought we offer a contract and i'd met with the occupiers of doing as
well asking for a contrast between what we have going now and where we need to
go and uh...
and if you get a free if u left the ca the bush tax cuts of which which we
should have extended for another year
expire when it suppose to expire that some additional
but some additional to beat
three trillion dollar to two point while it's amazing how much it up almost bush
gave away a difference in his of enticing the hallway
the the
prescriptions in the the the progressive caucus
my understanding is the
that you are
used to be the year one of the largest caucuses mouse representatives growth
and i i i
i don't know where you stand now relative to the tea party caucus
institute doesn't an election
what where is that it is hard work were about seventy seven members uh... and
and and and coalesce seemed very well pensioner op
and their week
and you are you still are his caucus in congress bush why i think we are okay
then why you know i'm it seems like when the largest car caucus in congress is
stay here's the plan here's the plan is gonna work
we've had the c_b_o_ run the numbers you know we we had jij cat-scans program a
number of times gone through the numbers in the details with this one out
and you know she's brilliant on the stuff and and stuff
it works it will work the american people support of the polling shows that
it's it's an audio
why is it not dean
grabbed onto by the rest of the democratic party and for that matter the
administration run with this hard as they possibly can and i think it's with
predator said earlier the pigeonhole are both uh...
of policy-making which has been okay what are the special interests want
works corporate america want
not how do we designed something to satisfied them first and then will be we
have a plot to trickle down for for the rest of the american trend in this
country and i think than what with the progress of caucus did with the people
what we did in our fight with overall up for a public option in the health reform
bill that if we had in now would have paid sixty one billion dollars a year
it's and what we're doing now with the that issue that we're taking onto the
the to look super committee in terms of where you can find money without hurting
uh... or if we get that and uh... unwilling to continue to do that i think
of that vote
uh... i i had sufficiently stay at our effort to a occupied the minds of
congress with lena on alternative
deathbed and more than an alternative but
i think the democratic party i think this ministration depiction tape but
we're proposing not heard from simple lifted gesture but that it is a concrete
native people fiscal direction it's going to
makeup solvent balanced the budget and still take care of the needs of this
country with that uh... and uh... and i think now
particularly because
because of what's going on in the process country with the protest that
there's going to be more attention and more scrutiny to work before proposing
and we welcome that stupid because we have validated that with c_b_o_
independent economists except for a and but we feel our numbers are volatile
your numbers are and they will work and they will slide and they will solve
these problems uh... it's going to make some
very very rich people squirm and that's that's my atlast questions here we've
got a bit forty fifty seconds here ok armed and that is sorry i carried the
seventy-seven of you concerning individual members of congress
you know a billionaire can easily knock out any of you or maybe even all of you
are you concerned about the cat upcoming elections about call rose pack and
things like that i think that he could no money and you know now that
corporations are persisting over my head
uh... took the permanent always but you know i had the perpetrator of ever had
left arm provoked a lot of outside money they can get
many of us anticipate that seem kind of fight but uh...
that the the the counter ballot for us than i am very secure about that in the
public opinion attn
in park and i think we have that
you know if it's no accident that the are five both republican party
frankly is one of the top twenty that they'd like to get them and uh... but i
don't think it's because the anything else of the philosophy department
motivated for progressive suspect challenges about we feel that we have
not only the angel partners side but that we have popular support for
applying and you can you do astonished her all the whole call the of uh...
lawyers i think it's thank you places the job marketing program process is so
upset by the way through all the jr high j geology l
see it