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On behalf of Expert Village this is Paul Louis. Today I'm going to teach you how to draw cartoon
animals in Microsoft Paint. Now this character definitely needs some color it definitely
looks like a frog now. But he needs some color and wait before I do that actually let me
make an open mouth. Let me go over here to the ellipse tool and just make a oval over
his close mouth. Right now it looks like he has close lips and that can be fine if you
want to do it like that but I don't. So I'm going to go up and do the eraser tool and
I am going to get rid of the top part of the oval going across like that. Now he has a
slightly opened mouth a little smile on his face that is what I want so I'm going to fill
in some color. I'm going to come down here on the light green color and I'm going to
click on the fill with color tool and I'm going to start dropping in all this green
color all over his body.