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Hello there, welcome to this video, I 'm David Laroche .
This video series called WAKE UP CALLS , "The Spark " will start in the morning to make
sure to allow you to create Beautiful days .
Creating beautiful days , you will unleash your potential and take action .
This series will be made improvisation , no cuts , that direct and you will have the tools
that allow me to live the life that inspires me.
The first step I would like to share , this is a key that you already know can be : the
power of Goals
"Is that you are clear about what is important to you ?"
"Is that where you are clear about what you want to create in a year ?"
This is not new resolutions , I mean you take the time and say this is what inspires me
! In a year :
- I 'm here at couple - Where the health level
- Where the financial level , - Where the confidence level , wow that's
what I want.
Why is it important goals ? Is that if I do not know what I want , I do
not draw what I want . People come to me saying :
" David , I do not have the life I want " I ask them
"But do you know what you want ? " "No"
In your opinion, is that it is possible to have a chance if I did not know what an opportunity?
This is not possible. So you need to know what life you want to
create. So what will change with concrete objectives ? You will be able to suddenly
begin to identify opportunities around you, you will begin to make choices more quickly.
If you're struggling to make choices This is often because you are not clear about
what is important to you. People who clearly know where they go : they are .
So all this week , we will dedicate the goals . We'll see the blow a lot of things on the
objectives . But right now, now , I do not want you not consecrate tomorrow, later , now
all that day by asking the question: "What makes me vibrate " ?
" What fascinates me "? " What kind of life I want to create in one
year ?"
And starting tomorrow , we'll see other criteria. This will change everything because your "inner
Martine ," that little voice that speaks to you, you know who you say " you 're gonna
miss , you will laugh at you, you're no ." I call it " Martine " this inner voice , I can
learn to talk to him and the same " Martine " will say things like " you're really great
, really " and it is I who decides . This " Martine ", it is there to filter information
So decide well , decide what you want to create this year, decide what we will do together.
Because clearly , I created courses that are called for example : UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL
IN 21 DAYS . I accompany people for 21 days, with even
more comprehensive than this one, very specific exercises that I use with sports exercises
with entrepreneurs who are really professional and it makes the difference.
So either you participate in this kind of training , and there, you already start doing
it now , immediately . See you tomorrow !