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This is a new tutorial about the POP form in google spreadsheets.
We have a new form in this block. It looks like the former form, but there are a few
adjustments. this is how it works. You had a mail at your hanze mail account from
Jan Pier Brands. In this mail you will find a link. You can copy this link in your browser
to get into this form. This is the new pop-pva form. Just like the last time, you cannot
fill this form jet. This is because this form is mine. And you have to make yours.
You can do this by going to FILE and select: MAKE A COPY. Then you give it a name.
This is how you should name it: 1314 is the year. 2013-2014. B3B4 is Block3 and Block 4. Lets say my project
is only Block3. And then you can fill in your name. Mine is Michel Pitstra. Then press OK.
Now google makes a form, especially for YOU! In this document you can edit at will. In
this document its possible for you to fill this in and share it with the people you should
share it with. You can fill in your name, adres, etc. Theres also room for your SLB
to fill in when he or she has seen this form after you shared it. Theres an overview of
the competences. And you can fill in on what competences you are going to work. Just choose
the coretasks and write down the competences you want to achieve. Also write down which
part of the study this is. You can fill in your ambitions. If you want to make a new
line in this "cell" you can press CMD+ENTER for MAC and CTRL+ENTER for WINDOWS.
We work with sheets. You can see them on the bottom. There you can find all the study parts.
The first sheet is your POP and the PLAN OF APPROACH (PVA). There are some questions that can help
you to build your PVA. You don't have to use them, but it can be helpfull. The PVA is about
WHAT are you going to do, and HOW are you going to do this. Again, next line is CMD+ENTER
MAC and CRTL+ENTER for WINDOWS. Lets say I'm doing Coreprogramme KT4.Then I will fill this
in in my POP and go to the sheet that's about this part of the study. This is KPKT4.
This is for the name of the Productionhouse and here are your competences. In the end you'll
get feedback from your tutors. He or she can enter this in the green part. And beneath
that there are the competences. This is the first one. There is a part what says what this competence is,
also for what kind of behaviour fits with it and also a part that states the level.
The norms you can fill in here. For the coreprogram there are a few norms that are solid.
You can't choose these. But there are a few you can choose. You can do this with your experts.
In the end of your project you'll get feedback from your tutors. The feedback can be written
down here by your tutor. He or she can write down the name here. And here if you did this
good or not. If there are more tutors, there is extra room available for additional feedback
for this. You do this for all your competences. And you can see at this competence that this
norm is fixed. So you dont have to fill this one in. It states what you have to do, thats it.
When you are ready with filling this in you can share it. You share it with your SLB
and your tutors. You share this in the start of your project. In this way they can see
what you are going to do. To share this you click SHARE. Fill in the email adresses. Make sure they CAN EDIT. Press share and save
to provide them with an invitation. To make sure there is a clear overview, you can HIDE
the sheets you don't use. You can do this by clicking here and choose HIDE SHEET. And
its gone. You do this at every sheet you don't use. This makes it easier to find what competences
you work on. This is how this works in a nutshell. There is also a sheet with some frequently
asked questions. If you are having problems to fill this in, contact your projectcoach.
He or she knows how to handle this form. This was the tutorial. Have fun filling this in!
And good luck with your project. Goodbye!