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Improve Your Eyesight -- Smile More & Your Eyesight Will Improve
Are you smiling? Right now, are you smiling? Why not? What you have to smile about? I bet
you could choose to smile about many things right now, but we'll get to that. Fact is,
if you cultivate smiling on a daily basis, if you make it a habit, you will improve your
eyesight. Don't believe me? A lot of research has been
done about the healing abilities of laughter and smiling.
It also ties in with our previous article. Smiling will make you relax, so you will relax
your muscles and that will improve your eyesight for sure.
Improve Your Eyesight With Smiling -- Right Now!
Let's do an experiment. Put on a really serious face, your critical thinking face. Then add
some tension into your eyebrows, pull them down. Now add some tension to your forehead.
Make some wrinkles, and really get serious. How does that affect your eyes? Where is your
focal point? How is your peripheral vision? Are your eyes getting tense and strained?
Now smile! Smile from ear to ear, show your teeth. Nobody
can see you; grin as wide as you possibly can. Smile even wider and really enjoy your
smile! How is your forehead? How about your eyebrows?
Still tense? Any wrinkles left? How about your eyestrain? How about your peripheral
vision? Can you see wider? Is your vision brighter, more colourful, does it have more
spark? How Hormones Improve Your Eyesight
Research has shown over and over again that smiling and laughing releases endorphins into
your bloodstream. Endorphins also are known as "Hormones of Happiness". (I just coined
that phrase. ) All endorphins do is to tell your whole body
life is great and everything is working fine. They put your immune system and the cell repair
functions in the body on steroids. They add fuel to all bodily processes.
Smiling Relaxes Everything When your body believes everything is great,
it has no state of fear or danger. So you can relax. As you just learned in the previous
article, relaxing releases tension from your muscles and from your eye muscles.
So everything in your body works better. Your eyes can relax and contract, allowing them
to see into the distance and zoom in close. Blood flows freely throughout your body, bringing
oxygen and nutrients to every cell. And with all that to improve your eyesight is just
a positive side effect. How to Cultivate Your Smile
Who cares if it feels unnatural at first. Start with artificial smiling. Everybody who
tells you it's superficial and looks weird is probably miserable inside.
If you want to improve your eyesight, this is the easiest way to start.
After a day or two it will be normal. Your vision will improve and you will feel better
overall. You'll feel alive and this will promote great health and longevity.
If somebody asks what's wrong with you because you are smiling too much, take them through
the experiment. Tell them you are improving your eyesight, your life, and your health,
with one simple action. Tell them this:
"You can't have it only one way and say negative emotions disturb your immune system. It also
must be true that positive states of awareness will help you to get well."
(Perfect Health, pp.148/149) This is a quote from Dr. Deepak Chopra, one
of the world's leading cardiologists. He is not some hillbilly. He knows what he is talking
about. Quote that and all critics will stop asking.
Wait, There Is More... Use the healing power of smiling, and download
your Free Vision Improvement Toolkit to learn more ways to improve your eyesight naturally.
There are so many ways and techniques you can start using today, so click here and download
it now. Then tell me how it went with your experiment,
how it made you feel. Then add to the discussion below in the comment section...