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She's the best, she's the bomb. She's the queen bee when it comes to Mom's.
She's up before the birds every day just to make sure things are done and in place.
She's not the best cook but she gives it a try. There's only been once her food has made me cry. Waah, waah waah.
One thing's for sure, when we're doing our thing Mom's in the crowd cheering and clapping
She said, kids you're growing up too darn but we'll finally have what we need at last
She said, yes I'm going to change our lives, and now she's working online.
I said, hey Mom whatcha doing there today? She said, Ingreso Cybernetico is showing me the way
I said, say what? Ingreso huh, You can call it IC hun.
I said what's IC and what do you do, She said it's a business that has all the tools
that every business needs to become a success in this online world where things can be a mess.
Finally a biz that has all the tools and a 30 day blueprint that totally rules.
New marketers, old marketers this is for you, My Mom can show you how to make money too.
Thanks for watching us, hope you enjoyed our rap at the end feel free to clap,
Stay tuned to our video with a new song how IC is making us financially strong!