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service in its
simplest form is
one person
meeting the needs or serving the needs
of someone else
I brought an example, a letter I received last week
it says dear Pastor Scott
I've got to tell someone about this and it seems that well
you might be the right person to hear it
what a church
and what a Savior
I know you're aware of this activity but perhaps not from the other end
the receiving end
a couple of weeks ago my sweet wife was having some trouble with her heart
she was getting ready to see the surgeon for a pacemaker
I was reading in the Peninsula Daily newspaper in the den when I heard a
with things rattling and rolling around
across the kitchen floor
surveying the source I saw that my wife was trying to get up from the floor
it seems that she
jammed her tailbone and maybe even fractured a vertebrae
she is now confined at least for a few more weeks
to resting on her back there when she's
flat on her back she doesn't have any pain
the doctors say that she blacked out
I have been
dramatically promoted to
assistant cook
and head caregiver
it does a lot for our prayer life
the word has gotten out so every two days
a troop of angels as regular
as the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
show up at four o'clock
with food
and not just any kinds of food
loads their arms
corn bread
strawberries, garlic bread, etc.
five more to go and I'm looking forward to each and every one of them
my wife is watching my waistline
love to the church love to the Lord
meeting the needs of another person
serving other people that's what our
scripture passage
is detailing
instead of using your freedom
instead use your freedom to serve one another in love and that word serve
means to wait on
instead use your freedom to wait on one another in love
for the whole law can be summed up in this one command
love your neighbor as yourself
we wait on, we serve other people in love and God has given all of us the same
four resources
to serve others
and touch
and when it comes to our resources and serving other people with our resources
I think two things are very important
one serve in the area of your giftedness
now I've heard people say well I'm not gifted in service so I'm not gonna
oh no
everybody gets to serve
but the person who serves supreme
that's the person
with the spiritual gift of service
whatever your giftedness is serve in that area
a second thought is that we should serve
not only in our giftedness
but where we have abundance
and it's interesting as we
move on in life our resource changes a little bit, doesn't it?
uh... maybe we don't have any time right now
talent maybe
we have a a great opportunity to use our talent in serving others
abundance of treasure
abundance of touch
wherever we're gifted where we have abundance
that's the place that we should serve
that should be the natural
out pouring of our desire to love our neighbor as ourself
now the Bible does give us a priority
and it gives us a priority for service because
they're really expanding concentric ranks
we're called first and foremost to serve in the church
and the reason for that is all the other
concentric circles are addressed when the church is functioning the way
the church was designed to function
the church
that John says look to the needs
of fellow brothers and sisters those in the church
then the next concentric circle is the family and really here the scriptures
are talking about our extended family
and then serving the needs of those around us in our community
and then serving beyond that community which really encompasses the entire
God calls us
to wait on
those around us
and he's gifted us for that purpose
and he's given us an abundance
so that we can
gladly share with those around us
now it doesn't matter whether it's talent
time, treasure or touch
serving other people is a sacrifice
to serve other people is really sacrificial service
I like what
Dale Brunner
has stated about service he's
a great new testament scholar that I've had an opportunity to
sit under his teachings several times
and he makes this statement
service of other people is taking my daily cake
using it
so that it will become someone else's daily bread
taking my daily cake
using it to provide someone else their daily bread
here's how John penned it
our love should not just be in words and talk it must be true love
which shows itself in action
think about your cake
for a moment, time, talent, treasure and touch
some have a basic sheet cake
others have a multilayered cake
some have a multi-layered cake and it's got filling between the layers
frosting on the outside
decorations on the frosting
isn't it true
we all have our daily cake
yeah, some more than others
more in some places
than others
but we have a cake when it comes to time
we have a cake when it comes to talent
we have a cake when it comes to treasures
we have a cake when it comes to touch
and the scriptures call us to take that cake
and use it to love and to serve one another
and we can talk all we want about service
it's just
lip service
John is right you'll know that you believe that when you live it
when it shows up in your actions
sacrificial actions of service
now this sacrifice needs to be a voluntary sacrifice
it doesn't really do any good that kind of put a gun to somebody's head and say
you're going to serve
because they're not gonna like it and if they don't like it who they are serving
is not in for a good experience
it's a voluntary action
Paul writes
let your eagerness show
give according to what you have not what you don't have, I love that
it's not about what you don't have it's about what you do have
of course I don't mean
you're giving should make life easier for others
and hard for yourself
and where we have ease we should
ease other
actully love is sacrificial
it's voluntary
how do you know that
your attitude of services really voluntary
is really sacrificial
it displays itself in an understanding that we are only
stewards of what we own not the owners of what we own
when it comes to our resources we're stewards or managers we don't own it
God is the one who owns all of it
and I've had the conversations well I worked very hard for what I have
well, you have
but where did you get talent and the ability
the stamina to work real hard work smart
God gave us the talent
God gave us the ability
God gave us the opportunity
God is the owner of everything we're just
the stewards and the
of those resources
now I'll prove it to you out of the Bible
let's start with Pslam twenty four one
the earth is the Lord's and everything in it
including you
you're created in His image
then let's go on to Genesis
so God created human beings he bless them
He said live all over the earth and bring it under control I'm putting you in
I love that version
he made it all and then He gave it to us and he said now you manage it, you be good
stewards of what I've given you
then first Timothy Paul says
they should give happily to those in need
always be ready to share with others
whatever God has given them
and then the words of Jesus out of Luke
here is the lesson
use your worldly resources to benefit others
and to make a friend
to make an eternal friend
we're here to take the resources time, talent, treasure and touch
that God has given us
and we're to stewards them towards the needs of other people
and yes it's sacrificial
and yes it needs to be voluntary
this service will also demand
an intentionality on our part
see Jesus was intentional wasn't He?
he was sacrificial in his service
and when we are sacrificial
in our voluntary service we really emulate Jesus don't we?
here's what Paul said about Jesus for
you know that generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ
that though it was rich
yet for your sake he became poor
so that by his poverty you might become
that through the giving of his life we might have life
and we might impart life to others
intentionality shows
itself in three ways
one is
service will be a priority in your life
if we're striving to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength then
we should have great intentionality about loving our neighbor as ourselves
points to the importance of God being first in our service
the purpose is to teach you to always put God first
in your lives
and when your services sacrificial
we only do that because we're putting God first in our lives
instead of
holding on to all of our resources we're serving and sharing our resources with
service needs to be a priority
number two
services in inattentionality means
a more simplified life we need to make our life simpler
Paul says to Timothy
tell them to use their money to do good
they should be rich in good works and generous to those in need
always be ready to share with others
that means that we need to simplify our life
sometimes that is the simplicity of our check book
we just need a buy a few less things
because if we buy a few less things and that gives us more financial resource to
meet the needs of others
maybe it's an issue of our calendars
we've got talent
we've got touch
but we don't have any time in our scheduled to use
that talent or use that touch
we don't have the time
and so we may need to look at our schedules and carve out some time to be
very intentional on our service
to join up with some other people on Wednesday afternoon to do something
oh I know how about Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty here at the church
serving some kids
some snacks
it must be a priority of our checkbook and our calendar
and that means we have to do a maybe a little
less for ourselves so that we can do a little more for someone else
and then finally
service really needs to become a habit in our life
Paul says
since you excel in so many ways
I want you to excel
in this gracious act
of giving
giving and service are not a one shot deal
it has to be a at daily priority
it has to show up daily at our checkbooks and our calendars
the act of Jesus Christ on our behalf
Jesus understood the price
of what he did
and as we study
Jesus in the gospels we understand that
keeping God first was always his ultimate schedule
it was always his ultimate objective
that love of God
pointed to the sacrifice
that he would make
when he was with the disciples he took the bread and he broke it
and he said this is my body broken for you
and that he took the cups and He poured it out
and he said this is my blood that I willingly shed for you
now Paul tells us every time that we break the bread and drink the cup that
we should remember Jesus
and this table is open to anyone who would
make Jesus the top priority in their life
if you haven't done that you can even do that now
acknowledging God's love for you acknowledging that
that Christ died on the cross for your sin your imperfection
that he gave his body and his blood so that you might not only serve him
but serve others all the day's of your life
in this service
I'd ask you to pass the cup
and ask you to
past the bread first
and share these words this is Christ body broken for you
and I'd ask you to take the bread individually
because it is our own individual response
to Jesus Christ
that really makes our service
sacrificial and intentional
because the Holy Spirit is so good at
pointing out those opportunities
identifying what resource he wants us to use
in that moment with that person
and then we'll pass the cup and share these words this is Christ blood shed for you
and I'd ask you to hold the cup so that we can take it together
because the church is the priority
and out of the church are concentric circles
designed to meet the needs of others in our family
our community, our country
in our world
as we continue to worship God through the celebration of the Lord's supper
I would ask those serving to come forward