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"Measuring for your custom trapezoid cushion is easy.
"First, decide on the area you want the cushion to be placed then begin measuring."
"Measure the front width of your chair seat, from left to right"
"Next, measure the back width of your chair seat from left to right."
"Now, while standing in front of your chair measure the depth of your chair seat from
the back to the front"
"As you enter in your dimensions, remember, we only accept whole or half-inch increments
for the measurements of your cushion. Your finished product will be within 1/2" of your
provided dimensions."
"Now consider how thick you want your cushion."
"We offer trapezoid cushions from 3 all the way up to 8 inches thick. Please note that
some fill types are not available in all thicknesses."
"If you need help or have any questions, please contact our friendly customer service department."