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Greetings! This training video will go over how to add, edit, and delete result in TracDat.
From the TracDat home page, select Results at the top.
If you'd like to see previously entered in results, select Show Results under the outcome you're interested in.
If you'd like to add in a new result, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add Result.
Here you will need to choose what outcome you'd like to add result to.
Then you'll need to choose how you'd like to add the result.
If you would like to add the result via Assessment Method, a Task,
or would you like directly relate the result to the outcome.
Next you will enter in the result in a text box.
For training purposes, we're going to say that 85% of students
earned a grade of C or better. Once you're done entering a result in text box,
you will need to choose a Result Type and an Action Status.
Our criterion was that 60% of students will earn a grade of C or better.
Since we have 80%, we can say that criterion is met.
For an Action Status, we can say that there's No Action Needed.
We don't have any additional resources needed to enter in.
So we're going to select Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Now we're going to relate a document.
To relate a document, select Related Documents towards the middle of the page and then Relate Document over to the right.
You have three options of how to a relate document. We're going to choose
to relate a document from the repository, and then we're going to choose the folder:
Narrative of Continuous Improvement. And then we're going to choose a document within that folder.
And then select Relate, and then you select Return at the bottom of the page.
Scroll down to Critical Thinking and select Show Results.
We can see that our result is entered in.
If we scroll over, we can see that there is a document that has been related
and that is the one that we just did.
If you'd like to edit, select Edit towards the right-hand side of the page.
And for training purposes, let's change that up to 45%.
So now you're under the Criterion, so let's change our Result Type to Criterion Not Met.
We can also change our Action Status as well.
We'll say that there's Action In Progress. And because there's an action in progress,
we're going to add an Action Plan.
So after saving changes, select Action Plan right by Related Documents in the middle of the page.
And then Add Action for Improvement. Here in the text box, you will actually enter in your action plan.
For right now, we're going to say that the committee is going to reevaluate the rubric
and that they're going to come up with a new one after the first of the year.
After entering in the Action for Improvement, select Save Changes at the bottom of the page and then Return.
If you'd like to delete a result, there's a delete result option at the bottom of the page,
and then select Yes, No, or Close. There's also a Change Association option.
This is good if you entered in a result and then later realize you entered it in for the wrong outcome.
So select a different outcome.
Select how you'd like to relate it and then simply push return at the bottom of the page.
And now you can see that it is no longer a result in Critical Thinking, instead it's in Diversity Awareness.
Let's go ahead and change it back to Critical Thinking.
So Edit, Change Association at the bottom and then the same thing.
Let's scroll down to Critical Thinking
and push Select for the outcome and then choose how we would like to relate it.
We're going to do a student project again.
And then select Return at the bottom of the page. And now you can see that it's in the correct position.
It's under Critical Thinking, instead of Diversity Awareness.
You can see our Action for Improvement is there if you click on the number under Actions.
This concludes the Results training video. My name is Katie Garner.
Please contact me at 742-1505 for additional questions.