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welcome back to the david back-bencher please remember as the holiday shopping
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david packard show you can also become a day to pack and show member made
possible in part by liberal bias dot com
who would you rather trust lewis that the stakes in fact a conservative values
uh... what do you think
i think conservative values
yeah of course david absolutely find out more about liberal bias as liberal bias
dot com today's new member of the day scott poor roy it's great to have scott
as a david packard show member or a record month in november of new david
packard remembers can we copied in december
probably not
or can we
yes we can
announce it in january alright very good yeah pay pat robertson after years
pat robertson is basically knots clips
i have a clue come into play for you
where pat robertson
is calm
and serious
and is actually rejecting religious dogma in favor of science and logical
now what did he say he said the creationist idea that the birth is six
thousand years old is false
and we have to get away from the stuff take a listen this is incredible and by
the way i i say this again
this is in response to one of these in emails that came into the pat robertson
program the seven hundred club these emails
have to be fake
or have to be trolling i'd just can't imagine these emails are for real del
read the email listen to this this is this is gold
since i have three teenage boys enough two of them are questioning the bible
this scares me and tell me if the bible is truth and i should be able to
reasonably explain the existence of dinosaurs this is just one of many
things they question even my husband disagreeing with that
how do i explain things to them that the bible doesn't cover i'm so afraid that
they're walking away from god my biggest fear is to not have my children and has
been next to me and god's kingdom okay so
if it's a real question
if it's trolling or something else that it's also really funny that they're
falling for it that being said that's the question now here's pat robertson's
people from the travel industry when i say this
with bishop issued got blessed to him
was it
inspired by lord we sit along
to six thousand meters
the just didn't
and you go back in time you gotta radiocarbon dating in that all these
things and you've got the the the
the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time and the the cold as you know that
they get so that they do
wasn't uh... the fierce one from search and sophia to turn around so as the
rights and then the
of the the sort of
female name like susie or something within a uh...
that are out there
and so there was a time of designer reptiles wrongly earth it was before the
time of the bible
yes uh... oh
don't trying to cover it up but my putting everything was six thousand
years but that's not
commando less vicious unsure they've got a cell arc
a little bit of a weird explanation but at least he's admitting it right
you know what i mean he still
basically trying to
to uh...
assure if you wear uh... his religion into newer times by saying listen
you can have the bible and scientific research i mean we can't we can refute
but what is obvious but we can still
read the bible it's really really weird when pat robertson becomes the voice of
reason though isn't it ladies and gentlemen even for a fraction of a
second so i a m glad
because he probably just convinced uh...
you know two hundred thousand people that uh... radiocarbon dating and signs
are real things how did you know what keep the tyrannosaurus from eating all
of the small animals on the list are that's my question
according to pat robertson you don't have to ask a question add metro area