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I'm Carmen Arsene
the president of national federation for animal protection Romania
but I would say that I am simply animal rights activist.
The stray dog population
it's a problem for many years already for about 20 years in Romania.
The only solution
for an efficient and real stray dog management
is mass sterilization of the stray dogs and of the own dogs
identification, registering them and keeping in the street
the dogs who are healthy and kind.
And if this strategy is applied
in about 6 years
the stray dogs do not exist in the street any more.
I'm Giovanni
animal rescuer from Romania.
We started as feeding street animals around the block
and around the office building.
and then we realized we can find them new homes.
We have different packs in specific areas
we've known those dogs for few years.
During time we castrate them
sterilized and find homes for a lot of them.
Us means me and my wife.
It is very known that mass killing of dogs
is not efficient such as
density of dog population in the street
increased with rate of killing.
So even after 20, 30, 100 years
we'll have the same problem in the street.
My name is Nina Marin.
I'm from Bucharest, 63 years old.
I'm very disappointed that in Romania
animals and especially dogs
are very badly treated.
The dogs and myself were assaulted by the neighbours
they were trying to break the fence and let them outside on the street
They are threatening me
with beating me up and killing me
The situation is not resolved
because the neighbours are still aggressing me.
I hope that police will help and convince them to understand
that animals need to be protected.
We have this paddock place
and we also do some stray feedings.
Some of the money we receive as donation as association
but it's a small part.
8 now, in this moment
Where are you going?
The crazy one escaped!
When I come on Saturday
I usually have more time and I walk them here in the yard
so they are used to go out.
My name is Sorina.
I've been helping animals for 13 years
but I'm in rescue field for 6 years.
The stray dogs are a result of abandonment.
Some other people say that Ceausescu
destroyed lot of buildings and villages so
a lot of dogs remained after that
but those dogs died several years ago.
With my experience in this field
it's that people abandon animals.
The tradition
didn't show them how to
correct treat an animal and how to
They don't spay, neuter their own pets
and dogs are thrown around big towns.
I usually meet lot of puppies
new ones without mothers on the street
so this means they are brought there.
The dogs are killed directly in the street
by poisoning campaign for example
leaded by local authorities I mean city halls.
The children and other compassionate people are very affected
because of abuses against animals that they saw in the street
because of killing of dogs
that are their companion
and it was concluded that 84% of the children
are affected of what they saw in the street.
It seems that a boy
4 years old
was found somewhere on a private place
killed by the dogs
Actually nobody knows who killed this boy.
Immediately it was suppositions
that he was killed by the stray dogs
and the problem was treated superficially
from legal point of view
on the other hand population received very false information.
Since September
it changed the general attitude of people
They are more angry on dogs
They think they are allowed to kill them in the streets
They don't want them in the street any more
and they think this is the solution.
They approved basically mass euthanasia
for dogs.
No matter if the dog is adoptable or healthy or...
Just now they will be allowed to kill them
after 2 weeks in the public shelter.
If we speak about legislation
in the paper everything
or the most part seems to be very humane.
Also the conditions that every municipality
have to ensure for the shelters
but in practice
in reality the situation it's opposite
Nothing have been respected.
Even the process of adopting
the dogs was not respected.
They asked for money
to give the dogs back
or to adopt the dogs.
It is like a kind of mafia.
Any complaint of the citizens or the NGOs
regarding illegal and cruel management
of the stray dogs run by municipalities
finds ignorance and complicity of the authorities
that responsible for monitoring the animal legislation
If we look inside these dog shelters
kept by municipalities
and you see the huge budgets
that are allocated fictive on the paper
like for example
even two hundred euros per dog
and make a comparison for example
with an NGO who treat the dog by neutering it
vaccination, keeping for about 7-14 days
and spend only 25 euro per dog
you can understand
that actually the stray dog management
it's only a business.
Some examples of companies are
Iberia Velvet and Olcon Metal from Slatina
Puppy Vet from Constanza
Dr. Emilia Herescu
from Boldesti-Scaieni near Ploiesti
Danyflor from Timisoara
And a new firm Marco Deni Construct 2004
from Pitesti
that are capturing the dogs
and they are actually a construction company.
So, the authorities observed that
after tens of years
when they killed masses of dogs hundreds of thousands of dogs
and they spent fictively
tens of millions of euros
the stray dog population increased.
And their aim
it's actually to keep a constant stray dog population
to have what to manage
what to administrate
and to continuously allocate funds
from local budget to manage the stray dogs
This money is actually used probably
for election campaign, for political parties
or for other private reasons.
But anyway they don't go to the dogs.
So, euthanasia law.
I consider it's not a legal law
It's approved by the judges of constitutional court
who are not really democratic.
Euthanasia is not generally used here.
Actually here it means mass killing.
On the other hand we can say that
about a half of the dogs that are kept
in the shelters of the city halls
are dying because of starvation
and because sometimes they kill each other
Some of them survive because they eat the cadavers of other dogs
So, let's say this means euthanasia in Romania
The vet who used to work there
left the shelter because he was forced to
kill the dogs and he didn't want to
We hope that a good vet
will be hired here
We can help him
to kill as less dogs as possible
by supporting the shelter.
When I found them 2 years ago
they were very, very skinny
Now they look much better.
I didn't count it exactly but
few hundred euros per month
because we feed these
and also pay the rent for the paddocks
and food for the paddocks
food for the strays
Every two days I go in a different place to feed
and on Wednesday I come here again
and on Saturday I come here again.
Every day few hours
only in the weekend one day full.
We do our little part
That part makes us as happy as possible
But we hope that
things will be improved
by our authorities.
Because we help 1, 2, 3, 10, 20 souls
but it's no enough.
I'm asking all the citizens of EU
especially animal lovers but not only
to help our animal lovers
who are involved a lot in protecting dogs and animals
This is the reason why we try to help
as many as possible.
To see them happy somewhere in a family
She was so little and so innocent
I always wonder
how can they abandon
a little puppy like this?
They have no soul.