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"The true Japan No longer exists but here, in the heart of the Imperial Army.
Everything that lies outside these walls has fallen to the West.
Only this time, it is not our sacred land that has been stolen from us, but indeed the
very soul of the Japanese people!
They have taken our pride and patriotism!
And now they mean to grind out the last ember of the Japanese spirit.
If nothing is done to stop it, there can be no doubt that the Security Treaty will be
When that piece of filth was presented to His Imperial Majesty with such reverence,
not one cabinet minister lept to his feet and tore it to shreds! Not one general slit
his belly before the Palace gates!
The Imperial Army will become mere mercenaries,forever in the service of the United States.
The samurai spirit that supported us through the War will be lost!
Have you forgotten what it was that led us to victory!?
Do you look upon our forebears with contempt, as the Western dogs do,and believe their sacrifice
to have been in vain!?
And you call yourselves warriors!?
Are you warriors!?
Are you warriors!?"