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I was so young then I only saw you
I don't need anything If we could be together
We fought so much Because of insignificant things
If I think about it now I can only laugh
Sometimes I'm dying to hear your news
But our relationship Is not like that any more
I sometimes think of you And I miss you too much
But I'm going to cover it up As beautiful memories
First love, my love that can't be forgotten
Why does it hurt so much
I only remember you I cry out for first love
Until my voice can get to you
Hello, that one word is so difficult I couldn't call you up
Sorry I wasn't good enough to you I'm so sad about you
I can't be in your arms anymore Even in my dreams
Don't be hurt again I'll pray for you
The memories of the past linger I can't do anything
Why am I such a fool
I can't forget my first love
Why does it hurt so much
I only remember you
I cry out for first love Until my voice can get to you
I close my eyes right now Tears are falling right now
Why can't I forget You like a fool
I'll pray for your happiness