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Olaya, ADA7931, good day
7931, good day
Good day, we are near Bello, descending through 8700ft
the company Mighty Twin Otter is in sight
Good day, runway 02, calm, 30.19, west of the station
number 3, preceding aircraft is a Jetstream, leaving Bello
descending through 8300ft, heading to the west
30.09, to the west, number 3 and looking for the traffic, 7931
I'm looking for it, I don't see it
Calling the company, captain
Hang on, visiblity is not good; this is messed up. Let's look for the traffic first
We'll call the company later
The preceding is right on top of us
- The airport will be closed in a little while - Yes sir
I see the shape of the mountain back there
I see that shape over there, and El Volador (hill) is over here
El Volador is on the right or on the le..?
Where is it? That Jetstream has got me all scared (haha)
- I haven't seen it either - This spot here is a bit better
- In sight now, at 1 o' clock, capt. - How close is it?
Sort of, but that one obviously is faster. He will be around our 12 now
- No, I don't see it - He's right at our 12. In front of our noses
- and he's a bit above us, just a tad; almost at our level - I'll stay at 6500ft, Eduardo.
There... he's moving to the left, he's crossing to the west now
To the east, I mean
They even have the lights on...
Look at him, over there capt. On that side.
Right, no, if you have it in sight... Call the company.
[TCAS]: Traffic, traffic - Did you see it or not?
- That one is below. It's the one taking off. - He just crossed that way now.
- Flaps 10 degrees - Flaps 10 degrees
Do you have the other one in sight? He's well away now...
Hmm, let's see what comes up from over here. I lost that machine...
OK, number 1, the one from Pereira, is landing.
It's over El Rodeo (another hill) now. I don't see number 2.
No, he's in that rainshower over there. I can't see him that way.
- Turn the wipers on - Wipers are on
7931 crossed from west to east and we're... We're abeam runway 02 threshold now
Call when turning to base, you're number 2 following the Jetstream
Will call starting base leg for 02, 7931
In sight now, he's turning to final now.
OK, tell me when we're abeam it.
[ATC asks an airplane that just landed at what height they had runway lights in sight]
We're crossing each other now
What are they asking him?
They asked him at what height they had runway in sight. They want to close the airport.
Yes, at 6500ft. If he tells them that, they'll close down the airport.
- Flaps 20 - 20
- You told me full (flaps) for 72 (IAS Vref)? - No, no. Ah, full for 72, correct.
- But the airport should be closed, man - Yup
- Flaps 30 - Flaps 30
And On Final checklist
- On Final checklist: Nose wheel steering - Centered
- Centered. Hydraulic pressure - Checked
- Propeller levers - Full increase
Full increase
Aerolinea 7931, calm, cleared to land runway 02 runway is wet.
Cleared to land, runway 02, 7931. Flaps?
Full, 72 (Vref), On Final checklist complete and we're cleared.
The weather is pretty bad
Let's hope it's all on tape!
7931, via D, 21.9
21.9, thank you.
Ground control, good day, ADA7931 vacated via D, HK-2669
HK-2669, roger, continue D, parallel and C to apron.
D, parallel, C to apron, 7931
Right side is clear
- Hydraulic pressure - Weather is really bad! This airport is closed!
- Yes, it is!
- Captain, hydraulic pressure - Checked.
Checked. After Landing checklist complete.
Right side is clear.
Generator switches off, lights on, engine shutdown.
Securing checklist
Securing checklist: Time
12, 14
- 12, 14. Parking brake - Off
- Off. Radios, transponder and radar - Off
- Vent fan - Off
- Taxi light, beacon, fasten seat belt switch - Off
- Generator switches - Off, lights on
- Engines - Shutdown
- Booster pumps - Off
- Fuel quantity - 900 pounds
- 900. Oxygen - Off
- Off. External/Battery switch - Off.
- DC Master switch - Off
Securing checklist is complete.