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here's another story of visiting professor of journalism the west liberty
university in west virginia stephanie wolfe
turns out that on her syllabus she wrote students will not use fox news or the
onion and sources the onion is satire and foxnews makes me cringe so foxnews
obtained a copy of the syllabus and of course they're very very angry about it
uh... the university president robin k part didn't agree with wolf's decision
saying one of our values is to encourage students to go out and inquire and
gather information and look at as many different sources as possible on any
side before you reach your opinion any attempt to limit the breath of the
student's ability to investigate is obviously something at which we have a
concern curious grammar in the statement from the uh... uh... college president
but regardless
it's interesting because
understand that
maybe you compare various online media outlets to t_v_ outlets to academic
journals and you say you know what
i'm going to rule out
news network to know c_n_n_ is not really a source for an academic paper
and neither is fox news in either is msnbc dot that's one conversation that
we can have
even within
these sources of information
we could say well you know foxnews does allowed the agenda to infiltrate even
their supposedly news reporting right
at the same time you can be partition and opinionated and still report
news right so you could you could say
we have straight news with as a little bit opinion is possible even though i
believe you can't really eliminate any bias altogether but then we said we have
as close to straight news as possible you have
about kind of biased their participation tation of fact write a factual factual
and then you have just a distortion of the fact which i think what is what fox
news this is a number of views we can have on this
i'll start with the time to go to louis on this
is it fair in a college setting to single out foxnews specifically as a
source that can be used
well uh... yes i mean the short answer is yes but the long answer is there are
a number of other organizations where i think they might have to do the same
uh... i think that talks is very clearly demonstrated in the last decade
that they're not as serious news organization and if you're studying
journalism which is exactly fox doesn't do i think that you probably wanna leave
it out it's an entertaining organization which should be studying film schools
and t_v_ production schools
uh... yeah i mean it's lines right is that he and you're right i mean it is
perfectly possible to get news
and uh... like if you heard it that's for you heard about the hegel filibuster
arbitral that there was a deliberate
about to happen so i mean i i guess it depends on
on what your lenses
but uh...
i think that for any college writing you should not be using any television news
unless it's like a local news story and you're saying
this station reported acts about this broader story but going to c_n_n_'s
boxer msnbc which in most cases are really does
writing or re presenting original reporting by others maybe he's just
shouldn't be using any of those but that being said this is that it is funny it's
being single that i agree unfortunately that they are very convenient
because you just saying they make themselves any easy uh... uh... easy
news source to just copy over and say hey fathi senate right