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Welcome! Leila and I are totally in the mood for Chrsitmas.
Well... ok, I am in the mood for Christmas.
And what is the best thing on Christmas...?
But what I like even more than getting presents is prepare a personal handmade gift for my beloved ones
Join me - if you like that as well!
I will show you now how to make a nice little Xmas-tree decoration. Therefore I recommend you the following material:
Pencil and erasor for the sketch and a black fineliner for the outlines. Helpful is as well a white gel pen for the Highlights.
Coloured pens for the coloration, white drawing cardboard, scissors, glue, coloured ribbon and some decoration material.
First create a circle shape using the form of a glass.
This shape will help us keeping the size and form of the figures similar.
I decided to draw the common Christmas characters. But you can actually draw everything you are in the mood for.
I will show you some examples for that later.
Use strong colours and dont get lost in details. The important thing is that the characters have a good long-distance effect.
I will draw around each figure a little coloured frame because i think it lets the characters really pop out.
If you are done with all figures - cut them out.
Good, the front is done. But of course our decoration will needs a back as well.
Therefore you copy the shape of your reversed front.
Try to imagine the back of your character. But dont go crazy over details.
If you decided as well to use a little frameon your figures dont forget to keep space for it before you do the figures outlines.
Use the same colours as on the front of your characters for getting a consistent result.
If you are done with the back for all your figures - cut them out as well.
Great! Now we have front and back side for our xmas-decoration.
And now comes the best part - the decoration!
Put front and back next to each other and come up with some ideas for decoration.
You could e.g. use some three dimensional extra like a little bobble on your figures caps.
Or small bows like on the reindeers antlers.
But I would recommend not to use to much of these kinds of decoration - it should work as special highlight, right?
And for all of you that like glittering stuff - go crazy! I mean its Christmas, when can you do that if not now? ;)
Take your ribbon and cut it in an appropiate length. Prepare a loop and put glue on the two ends.
Glue the loop in the front of your decoration, put glue all over it and lay the back as precisely fitting as possible on it.
Make both sides stick well to each other and cut the overlapping parts.
And taaadaaa - your xmas decoration is ready to get on the tree.
As I said you can do your decoration totally as you wish. As long it has the Christmas theme in it.
You can create something with your favorite movie characters. For example Nightmare before Christmas.
Or other Disney themes.
You even could draw your crazy pet in the best mood for Christmas.
These kinds of decoartions go very nice on a present as well.
You see - you can be endlessly creative!
But for those of you who are still a bit unsure how to do it -
you can find a file with a blueprint of the characters from this clip in the infobox below.
I wish you very much fun with your creation and of course MERRY CHRISTMAS!