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Who are you?
Who the hell are you?…
Come out!
Look buddy, your flirtin' with disaster!
Look, I'm not postal worker...
I'll put a hole in your head!
Who the *** are you?
You wanna play, eh?
You wanna play hide n seek? Well let's play then!
Who the hell are you?
graduate... unemployed... graduate
Who the *** are you?
No taxes... tax breaks
Who the hell are ya?
***! Loan sharks!Bank loans…
No taxes...tax breaks
***! Loan sharks!… bank loans…
Screw you, you *** monster!
No temp work… hiring… public administration, invoice payments…
No mamma's boys… college degree… unemployed…
go away!! *** monster... away!
graduate... unemployed... graduate
Get away from me!
Lemme go!
No taxes... tax breaks... graduate... unemployed... graduate… invoice payments…
workers…not slaves
Lemme go... get away from me! Away!!
No taxes... tax breaks... graduate... unemployed... graduate… invoice payments…
Lemme go! Aaway…
Eh, eh take it easy, calm down... easy now…
it was a dream... it was all a dream
Thank god you've finally come to...do you feel better now?
Yes, thank you…what happened?
Nothing serious… You fainted, that's all… it always happens with us…
Us? Us who?
Us… tax agents… people feel bad around us, they faint, after awhile you get used to it... don't worry...
you get used to everything…
Here's your tax collection notice which fell when you fainted.
One important thing. You gotta pay within 15 days, otherwise you'll have to pay interest...
we'll be seein'ya!