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Kristoff, I'm kind of worried about Elsa. She's been single for so long, I just don't
know if she'll ever have a boyfriend. Even though her freezing the entire town happened
a long time ago, it's just hard for people to forget. And the townspeople are just kind
of afraid of her. Well, it's all just one big misunderstanding.
Maybe she just needs to meet somebody from out of town.
Well, my cousin Ken is coming in tonight from Los Angeles. Maybe she'll like him.
Ooh, that's perfect. You haven't told him about the whole "frozen" thing have you?
Nope, I never told him. Wahoo. Perfect.
(knock, knock, knock) Oh, that's him. I'll go get the door.
Come on in Ken. I hope you had a good flight. I'd like to introduce you to my wife Anna,
and our son Kristoff Jr., and our daughter, Krista.
Oh hi. Thanks so much for letting me crash here for a few weeks.
Ken, Anna's sister, Elsa, is coming over tonight. She's just as cool as Anna. I think you'll
really like her. Yeah man, I've seen her picture. She's really
pretty. Well I hope you guys hit it off. She's quite
the catch. (knocking)
Oh, that's her now. Let me go get the door.
Hi everybody, sorry I was a few minutes late. Sometimes it just takes forever for me to
braid my hair. Well hello there!
Hi, we haven't met before, but I'm Anna's sister, Elsa.
Hi, I'm Ken, kristoff's cousin from California. It's really amazing to meet you Ken.
I'm surprised that Kristoff never told me that Anna's sister was so beautiful.
Oh stop, you're making me blush! So, how long are you in town for?
Oh, I'm here for about three weeks, but maybe I'll stay a little longer.
Mommy, how come Auntie Elsa's been shaking his hand for like five minutes?
Oh honey, I think she's just really excited to meet Daddy's cousin.
So I was thinking, maybe you could show me some of the sights here.
Oh yes, I'd love too. You are just so tan, I can't get over it.
Well, it's just really sunny in California, and I surf a lot.
Oh wow, surfing! Yeah, surfing. I'll have to teach you sometime.
Hey do you want a drink? Sure.
Here, I'll get you one. I can get you one.
(giggling) Sorry, I though your hand was the glass.
It's okay. Hey, pardon me Elsa, I have to make a quick
phone call. I'll be back in a second. Holy cow Anna, you never told me that Kristoff
had such a dreamy cousin! Oh hi, sorry I had to step out for so long.
Elsa, why don't you show me some of the sights. Oh, right now? Yeah, sure. Let's go!
Wahoo! Oh yeah.
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