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We are going to start with the pray, that we all know it's an obligation of all of us, right?
We all deserve and need to first evoke the name of god, so then we can start any activity
We are going to give the word to our brother Siriaco Albarenga to lead our pray
Good afternoon all who are present on this beautiful afternoon
to give a warm welcome to the people who visit us
form Mexico and the united States, right?
we extend a welcome to all
lets give a welcome applause to the people who is present today
the teacher already said it, right?
we are going to start a pray evoking the name of the all mighty lord
for all the things to be well, right?
and handling it all to go as his will
Lets pray, eternal father who are in the glory
we thank you for this precious time we borrow
the opportunity of being here, lord, starting a big project in our community
the one we first recognize that came from you
and also secondly from all the participants, donors and all the ones involved in different works
that's why lord we are thanking you in this beautiful afternoon
asking you to lead us in every momment in all that we are going to do
we want your lead to stay always with us and with all of the participants
helping and you taking care of us in every moment
we ask you for this in the name of Jesus Christ our lord, amen
My name is Santo Tomas Salinas, I'm the responsable of the community
I feel so grateful with you and I wish this not to be the last time you visit us
We will ever remain waiting for you with arms wide open. Thank you very much
Good afternoon, thank you for visit the Jicaro municipality, you are welcome
Partners from the United States, from Mexico
for us this is really amazing to have you with us today
supporting the progress in the Jicaro municipality
this school has been dreamed for so many years here in the community
they have been waiting so many years for this dream to be real
today, thanks to god and for our brothers supporting us
so this dream will come true for the Monte Rico community
My name is Brian Goldfinger
I'm the director of Build On Nicaragua
We started the proccess to select the places to build the schools
we first went at the municipality
normally they have a list of the communities where exist a need of a school
where there are schools, there are normally working
but the school infrasctructure is totally damaged
or sometimes under a tree
There was a school built by the parents, covered with wood
and it was too little, in bad conditions
this is why we build schools
to improve the lifes of the children
to have a better education
because sometimes the kids say "that school is too ugly", "it's falling down"
"when it rains I got all wet"
and now, with this new structure, the kids get a possitive inspiration
to come and say "look at that beautiful school they gave us"
and then also, the community commits to the work, because this is for their children
well, the community makes the most important part, which is the not qualified work
they support the master builder, in anyway needed, digging, making a cut on the floor
also mixing the cement, helping to place the blocks, well, they make most of the work
we as Build On, we just provide the material and supervision
but the community does all of the work
and we think that, in this way they are the real owners, because
they put their sweat and blood in the project, and that way
the project remains better and they really feel the owners of the school
We visited about 20 communities here in Jicaro
we've chosen 7 communities out of that 20
and actually, this is number 7, the one we are building in here
how did we choose it? we came in bike, because it was really hard to access here
we visited the houses, to see where do we gonna locate the donors
sometimes we have student groups, we see the school, we take some pictures
if we see that there is really a need
then we say to the community about the possibility for us to come
we make the enrollment, we don't build a school with less than 30 children
we ask to the community people, why do they need the school?
they say the children got wet, the roof is falling, it's a risk for the children
there is no other organization that will come here to build a school
because is too hard to access here
in that moment we go back to the municipality, and we say to the mayor
we saw a need in the community, we want to help to build the school
but if you don't fix the road, we can´t build the school
because we are not going to be able to bring the construction materials
and also we need a good road to bring the donors
.. say bye to the camera... bye...
It's going to hit
normally, if there is a group as Listen Up Español,
that will come to help with the project
we make the "ground break" the day they will begin building
to continue working together
after the holes, is the groundwork where we place the dipstick
after that, we assemble the columns
we assemble the seismic dipsticks, we assemble about 57 of that
sometimes, when we have enought time
sometimes the donor come for three weeks, sometimes for one
if they come for 3 weeks, i left them the materials assembled
the next is the block, we are building the block
then the block beggins to stick
I got a lot of support, I like it
I feel happy and I can
My back hurts, but it's good, it's good for...
We are in the begining but we are moving forward
This is the most difficult part, making holes
This is too difficult
The first time Lana is in a hole
No, is not the first,no...
First, to build a school, we visit the community
When we came to make the selection
the kids were walking too much to get to the school
and it was a school in bad conditions
Sometimes the kids eat at 6 am and they have to begin walking right away
They walk about 3 or 4 or 5 kilometers
Those children throw up on the way
Yes I was one, I use to wake up, take a shower, a coffee
a tortilla with cheese and went out for the class
I use to travel 45 minutes away from my home
and I traveled for 2 years, first and second grade of primary school
after that, I studied here at the house of one of the parents
there I studied 3rd, 4th and 5th
then I traveled again, to study the 6th, the last one from primary school
after that we studied highschool in here, for 5 years
I traveled daily for a year of "long week"
It's about 30 minutes to go out there
to that yellow thing, which is actually bean, there is where you go out on foot
30 minutes to get to the road and another 20 minutes on foot to get to the school
At least, from here to the exit where we can take the bus, takes 30 minutes on foot
From that point, in the bus it takes another 20 minutes
We have worked in many communities with no access
but, thanks to the management we make with the municipality
Buil On enters the places with the need of building a school
where many organization don't enter
This is how Build On, you the donors, are giving a school to the community
but not only a school, also a road, because now they have a road to
go out to Jicaro and buy the things they need
at least we use to have little paths, but no vehicles were not capable to enter
if one was capable to enter it was but with too much struggle
but now we have more access to transportation
at least, now any need, for example a sick one, we can take him out easy
also the other day we had an emergency
a lady was sick, we called the ambulance and it came
so, now, with this school, a little more near from their houses
will imrpove thir situation, even in the walks and the infrastructure
they will have a better school, a place to play
they will have a good roof, with the right school for teaching
In Build On, our job is to build new structures
to provide the best education for the children
so we can have an engineer, a doctor from the community
in the community we have smart kids
they just need better education, motivate the parents to enroll the kids
and we think will be building schools as long as we have the will of people like you
in the United States to donate a school
we are very grateful and I want to send a greeting to all those people who
put a little of their effort, I say they are not here in person
but they are in our hearts, the kids hearth and the community's heart
thank you very much and keep supporting us
To all of the sales agents that works at Listen Up Espanol
And also to the ones that work in the United States, thank you for your support
for coming to see what we do and I hope you keep supporting us
it has been a pleasure to meet you all
Angel, I want to congratulate your group, the mexicans for doing a good job
have worked hard, thank you
Thank you