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I have with me Misty glass. If you're not familiar with Misty, it's a little bit more
difficult, at least, by my opinion to work with. Reason being it's got more of a, like
a leathered texture. Has more metals in it. And it's a little bit harder to cut. But as
you can see it's got a misty effect. You can't really see through it.
But it allows the light to come through it quite nicely. This is a two tone. It's got
the pink and the white. And also if you can see close enough there are some bubbles that
have formed inside the glass as it was drying from it's melting process. So this will be
nice maybe in some of your flower petal pieces or say you're doing a doll or a girl. You
could use it for her dress. And anyway, wanted to share with you that is the Misty glass.