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a congressional committee is considering some absolutely sweeping
abortion rule changes that could forever change the way Americans pay for it
and look no woman on the committee is standing up to defend women
but that might be because as is so often the case there are no women
on the committee that are considering these massive abortion legislation
so I here's the Subcommittee on the Constitution and civil justice
think a look at them lotta misters in that list
it's run by Trent Franks and is filled with a collection a man that I have to
assume with names like gomer
oh my god King forms nadler conyers
this is not only just men they're also specifically white men
so minority women your EE not represented on the committee
so they're considering a bill called the no taxpayer funding for Abortion Act
at any given time as women move through the health insurance system there's like
overlapping laws that make it to the taxpayer funding can go for abortions
but why not an eighth what's up stacked the deck there
here are some things that bill would actually do because they're saying
the reason for this is that they don't want taxpayer money going into the sorts
a public
that the health insurance that will get through Obamacare that's what they say
but the actual text to the law makes it so that private insurance as well
would in many cases not be able to offer the coverage not be able to use that
or make it significantly more expensive so specifically HR seven would
for small businesses to pay additional taxes on their health benefits
if the offer their employees a plan that covers abortion
in the party the hates in almost every case
any additional taxes or regulations especially on small business
but if you're covering abortions you're gonna get a double whammy taxes and
HR seven would also eliminate Medicare expense deductions for abortion care
except in cases of *** *** or life endangerment
and NARAL Pro pro-choice a pro-choice a lobbying group
points at the IRS will be empowered to make the final decision about what
counts is *** or ***
essentially conducting an bought it victims to ensure that they're not
committing fraud
turns out totally untrue at the time Obamacare would have def panels
but know this bill would essentially have rate panels and so that's the
America that we're building
thanks to this all-male subcommittee we're going to have
probably a panel of all men taking a look at the cases up your particular a
plate and figuring out
is this actually irate is this actually life endangering
are they gonna be doctors maybe maybe not even ap take your chances that they
actually pass this
now how significant is this out without any insurance coverage for the procedure
an abortion can cost anywhere between three hundred and ten thousand dollars
out-of-pocket and you can bet your *** extremely rich
republican family is if they have a pregnancy that they were planning for
perhaps is inconvenient
they're going to build a pony pony up at ten thousand dollars
but no what's the average American especially the poor American
there's not going to be able to pay for this now look
we're coming after I the coming of the year
where Texas past absolutely draconian anti-abortion legislation
around the country we're looking at possible 20 weeks
ban on abortion possibly 16 in some cases they wanna go even lower than that
and we found studies that show that they're more anti-abortion laws being
passed around the country now
the have been in the past thirty years so rather than
die out decades after Roe v Wade the opposition abortion is becoming more
emboldened with every passing year
and I don't know what is going to stop it perhaps it's misogynistic me to
assume that like
women on the opposite side have got to fight for it with the same fervor the
same passion
that anti-choice women are but that doesn't seem to be happening
and yeah I told both up or supposed to win on this because unfortunately
we're living in a country where conservative religious Americans are
voting based
purely on abortion many of them that is all it takes for them to support or not
support a candidate
but how many women or men for that matter are there out there
who are voting purely based on whether or not a politician will protect a
woman's right to choose what happens our own body
is not enough