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it's a whole system demands to know
institutions mind yes
maa like everybody that night with lots of all the crystalline that actually
four movies were doing today and we will begin with a movie that i have not been
seen i was excited to see that ah... i think less though after heard stuart
war horses talking about life and talk about more parts and this is a bad
mystical magical course the country's struggling with
british farming families live
that before world war one that
he's remarkable but you know where these remarkable has a million and i know this
is in our lives and in the
missing fight
students from you
as time
defining quote all about and fred
what a story
everything but the bloodhounds never memory or
earns yahoo dot i thought you know that you guys i'd say you know the desert
less active
that that seems to be out i was just a regular person
uh... nowhere arrive that looks awesome and grass and hearts during this very
old fashion is very much like that and whom i've to traditional kind of
heart-rending wartime storytelling
epoxy job at medical field or any inside knowledge that's old lives vision that
we are suggesting that i think it is really really beautiful impression that
you live you cannot go beyond all that
nannies kaminski is still very delighted and very sweet things
are out of this enormously staffing and helping heavy-handed etc
when spielberg does this have been right i'm the first to be a sucker for a bike
ride easy i cry at the color purple i'll tell you all have our weakness weak
spots for this
this morning i felt like i was being pummeled into submission like the movie
reminds every five minutes helped i think it is you know in the john
williams for comes what should happen
you know she was hit with the orange marmalade filter so it looks like the
end of november whether the intermission of all the witnesses like the
it is not good enough
pause to let me have a genuine reaction to anything
there's one scene when that happens
the barbed wire the gray scene where british soldiers as soon as i said i'm
afraid of course in the barbed wire which is a beautiful scene and they've
been doing it with one just someone at the end to it as a result of walking
away just
remarkable course as i know she a office for a movie about did
comes right out of the july the well you know where the there's not a normal
seasonal increases for the all get together but i think this really is just
it several
doesn't seem to trust it's material stewardesses constantly underlining
italicized everything for u_n_ five inches
drove me of the wall you mad at me like i don't like to add guidelines
it is super small city it's this is one of the smartest thing
i think spielberg has ever died but you know any kind of work for me like
i think that it benefits from having almost no recognizable actors cast in
you know it's a freebie emily watson you know if you don't really know then
become a match as you know who he
sons in the military valuable kitchen really about us irish writer it's really
about the horse
right and and of course is the star like its fix your how miami
he's telling me that i want a name for me just of course sci-fi you know
is a goofy movie united front is a disney movie but it works for me i found
myself going on with that
mean where they're where they're cutting the horse here with a german soldier
that british soldiers coming or some of our work
to me was charged off the rest of the best scenes of the spielberg movie the
last ten years of gasoline
i really height i throw myself going with movie and yes i did find myself as
i'm watching a fitting
i'm being totally manipulated here and i was ok without it although it's
impossible to argue about this because either if it works for you we will work
for you all the way and you will be
carried away and and and move
moved in third and whatever else
and if it does that you are in for two plus hours of how do you have a hearing
there's no middle ground on the streets unfortunately there's orders
paralyzed yes i have not seen that bad playing this was originally a children's
book to the students u_s_ claims petroleum waiting wavelength again
you're supposedly is done with like i think people
or the wing
they were the director for us
hardware don't know enough about the theater at the divided
defend interests
his name is tony winning you have to directly on the decision to ability or
nice to be a totalitarian system so that we have to see in the trailer and so
forth and here you guys talk about it but i can debate that i was not apply
it has to be made anything as like be manipulated this thing is place looked
all kind of it's not why is that the other reports the area if you were sort
of like stylized somewhere between like that was in julie sameer
but there's a documentary the seventy video called making
war horse so it's all about the staging of a london production if you want to
c_n_n_'s it's very stylish it looks cool though apparently people is that it's a
it's it's extraordinary blinded added to the movies and a dozen times feel like a
kids book right it's very close to think that this movie
and black do you have a lot in common and that it's a story about
uh... you know that follows a *** says it has different owners and so there's
not really a
person i feel like this the plot line of trying to
get jelly backed with his original owner
is a little forced at times anything though if you got like an eight year old
daughter who's force crazy do nothing to do this and good battlefield like saving
private ryan level
orange stuff going on at happens so that course and that of course we had a guy
was like why didn't he didn't like the kids movie but it's not a kid's movie
it's really very very well your story in that they've done this movie about of
course and worldwide and turn it into this you know major epic production
and on paper you'd think wyatt dot for years but it would be distracted
you know because it's not only when in fact dublin stopped play
and to some of my
his life and i think this movie examinations and i'm not sure that it
probably not the best material too
church into a movie i think that probably
he's done as well as anyone could possibly do with that material to
trinidad is adapted by two really terrific writers lee hall who did billy
elliot and richard curtis catholic
the term of actually important to the funeral in notting hill and you can't be
done since the either of these guys
winds or the sort of cleverness they would usually bring to this kind of
script but i think there's any dirty christmas it just feels like it's been
beaten and this sort of generic like uplifting thing i'd like to think that
the two of them
will later collaborate on a very darkly funny satire about the experience of
writing financially did visit didn't quite know
uh... what it was something that we sent out that that dining and that is exactly
where is that it just interest delivers it in such a way that you're you either
you're either
also read or if you are actively turned off by it
you know i'd i'd say this is very probably suffers in some of the same way
we talked about carnage dozen you know some clay
some fear of russians don't necessarily make great movies are not a natural fit
kind of weird for a way that's what's happened here even if it's a epic
production he doesn't necessarily make i mean i still kinda went with that but i
i willing now is that there is deep in the halls of destruction
is the madness of world war one accurately portrayed lalitha revealed
that phil alden reliably vis a role in wealth statement kinda sanitize the
fifty g_-thirteen that is not to be the kind of like
cocktail and then i can't do that or somewhere that it could
something israeli a real warm over your caroline yet
your numbers
about four
from europe four point eight
stortford and a half somehow i think that that that this is an in camera you
can change it is written down in the ink not five point or is the recommendation
here for a for war powers programs really wants to tell you that it's uh...
u_s_ ambassador lilley
that suddenly you might like it
one right if you have
it's still very good so it's a
that's very case by case as you know it is one of the things which of your
forces even to stockholm of grip on my two younger or if you love forces
like that the most compelling seen the movie is gonna be really hard to watch
for that forces wrapped up and barbed wire yet missed their support for
jonathan sachs staged a hospitality forces health plans