A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove, edit and change content, typically without the need for registration. It also allows for linking among any number of pages. This ease of...



The list of pedagogically compelling technology tools is getting longer by the day. This is good news, but where does one start? The idea of learning and implementing any of these tools can be a...
A wiki is a website on which users can add, modify, or delete content via web browser you singing rich text editor wickizer typically used clapper simply at multiple users blackboard wikis are often...



The wiki tool in Blackboard allows students to collaborate on a project or document and also to view, edit, and contribute content to the project. It's a similar concept to Wikipedia, where...



This video shows you how to add content to a wiki. A wiki is a webpage where the users can add or edit the content. TES wikis can be used to present group work easily. Here's a sample activity...
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To delete a wiki, go to the wiki page in course tools Click on the check box next to the wiki, selecting it, and then choose delete and click ok to confirm the action This will remove the wiki from...



In this video I will show you how to use a Wiki A wiki is a set of web pages that allows people to contribute online and keeps a record of the changes that are made The wiki activity allows you to...
Narrator: Creating a wiki. As the instructor, you can create the wiki for course members to use. Once created, all course members can create pages, unless you intend to be the sole author and use the...



hello this is Jeff with NCDB I wanted to show you a couple of new features that we've implemented in the Wiki recently and our hope is that these features will help you organize Wiki content...