Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of spring ‚ô? ‚ô? My whole...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast, this has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Combattants pour l'independance de la Papouasie occidentale. Depuis 45 ans, ces hommes �taient en lutte contre l'arm�e occupante indon�sienne dans leur combat pour la libert�. Nous...



Il est important de comprendre comment est organisé véritablement l'espace. Je vous ai d�j� parl� d�espace ce matin et je vais vous en parler encore. Avec une autre perspective. Kobayashi...



Hey salut tout le monde, aujourd�hui on demistifie la diete cetogene est-elle dangeureuse ou pas C�est parti ! Tout d�abord, pour ceux qui se demande qu�est-ce que la diete cetogene, c�est lorsque...
Au tout d�but lorsque nous avons commenc� � penser au concept d�une Vue unique du]]> client, la chose dont nous �tions certains est qu�il s�agit d�une �norme quantit�]]> de donn�es! En...