Korea's railways fair unveils next generation of high-speed trains 2013 The 2013 Korea Railways and Logistics Fair kicked off in Busan this week, offering the public its first glimpse at the...
(Image Source: RailLA.org) BY KERRY LEARY ANCHOR LOGAN TITTLE California’s Senate approved funding for the first part of a high-speed train system. The train, traveling 220 miles per hour, would...



When it comes to high speed travel, Asia is the future. Compared to the slowly-chugging automotive dystopia of the USA, the region of Asia-Pacific is a fast paced wonderland. The Usain Bolt of this...
Hey folks, how's it going, I hope you're well and welcome to this video. This weeks video is a remake of the "Fitting Lights to the High Speed Passenger Train". The...
French high-speed TGV train crashes near Denguin Dozens of people have been injured in a train collision in southern France, according to media reports. A high-speed TGV train on the Pau-Bayonne line...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Although the state of California does not yet have any...



Passengers on the India's first bullet train that will race between Mumbai and Ahmedabad will spend a part of their journey under water Railway Ministry official said to the Press Trust of...
The driver of a high-speed train that derailed last week in northwest Spain, leaving 79 people dead, has been charged with multiple counts of reckless homicide. Meanwhile, a new report shows that the...
Hey folks, welcome to this information video about the High-Speed Passenger Train. I've now got lights going all the way through the train and this is a video just on how I've done it....
I think it is awesome, that this area is going to be a showcase for high-speed rail for the United States. >>We have been following it and we are really excited about it....