Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] �™? My heart beats too fast This has never happened �™? �™? But when you saw me �™? �™? It was during the peak of...
the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of spring ‚ô? ‚ô? My whole heart is soaring...
the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] �™? My heart beats too fast This has never happened �™? �™? But when you saw me �™? �™? It was during the peak of spring �™? �™? My whole heart is soaring...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast, this has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team [When We Were Young] ‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô? ‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô? ‚ô? It was during the peak of...
Medio centenar de alumnos de 1�, 2�, 3� y 4� ciclo del CEIP Benito P�rez Gald�s particip� durante la ma�ana de este jueves, 13 de junio, en una nueva actividad de educaci�n ambiental organizada por...



El Instituto Insular de Deportes comunicaba de manera oficial al Ayuntamiento de Ingenio que destinar� a la villa 15.946� en materia de subvenciones concedidas a los clubes del municipio para este...



Alumnos de 5 cursos de 4� de ESO de la XIII Promoci�n del IES Carrizal recogieron sus orlas de manos del director del Centro, Juan Jos� B�ez; el jefe de estudios, Jos� Luis Palomo; la representante...

