Hi, I'm David Edwards, pastor of the New Testament Church of God, the Lighthouse Centre in Crewe, Cheshire. Today, we are here at the UCB Leaders' Day event, where I feel so refreshed...
Hi. I'm Carl Wesley Anderson from Born to Blaze Ministries USA> You know, I've been serving the UK here for 24 years in both equipping evangelism and documentary film-making in...
We live in such a busy world don't we? And so bringing John 4:35 alive to me, is about remembering and stopping and thinking about God's goodness and faithfulness. You know his power...
John 4:35 encourages us to look at the harvest because it's white now. Not tomorrow, not the next day but now. Jesus is saying is that the kingdom is here now. We don't have to wait...
Betyssam de The Voice Kids 4- Pourquoi a-t-elle choisi M. Pokora ? En entretien avec «Télé Star», Betyssam revient sur sa participation à The Voice Kids 4, et explique la raison pour laquelle il a...
Betyssam de The Voice Kids 4- Pourquoi a-t-elle choisi M. Pokora ? En entretien avec «Télé Star», Betyssam revient sur sa participation à The Voice Kids 4, et explique la raison pour laquelle il a...
Joanna Kulig: Jak poznała męża? Joanna Kulig: Jak poznała męża?. Od ośmiu lat jest szczęśliwą żoną. Z ukochanym dzieli życie i artystyczny zawód. Ona gra, a on ją reżyseruje. Doskonale się...
Tia chớp F-35 của Mỹ có nguy cơ ế hàng Sự đắt đỏ của F-35 có thể sẽ không cạnh tranh được với những loại máy bay thế hệ cũ rẻ và phù hợp với nhu cầu quốc phòng của các nước hơn.  Tia chớp F-35 của...
Today, I ran through the list of all the experiments that we have conducted for our clients and came up with the list of 4 ecommerce A/B testing ideas that according to our data work most often and...
4:35 PM Dpto. de Policia de San Fransokyo A ver si entendí... ¿Uno hombre con una máscara te atacó con un ejército de robots voladores miniatura? - Microbots, diles Max. - Sí, oficial. -...

