麻省理工学院的证据表明,罗姆尼真的不喜欢其他类型的任务麻省理工学院 罗姆尼得到了他的屁股交给他,而他是一个同性恋的老将曳左右 在新罕布什尔州的支持废除同性婚姻的供给,这不可能是 任何具有讽刺意味的​​想象今年60岁的他给了越南的东西 老将出去吃晚饭,你的丈夫在新罕布什尔州 当麻省理工学院罗姆尼过来和他坐在你桌子上不请自来的要求 您的投票推翻您所在州的同性恋婚姻的法律和UH ...让我们只 它在那里...
uh... ok mit romney twenty-seven lies or you can call the main i think progress is calling the midst and thirty-eight minutes okay this is everything from i don't have a five trillion dollar...
in the past uh... you know and of course ever makes it makes a huge to do about the debate it you know all my god make a change elections have been really was mainly based on nineteen sixty the famous...