How to sew the sleeve. Fold the cuff and then iron. Pull the lower thread longer. Gather the top of the sleeve. Turn down the dial for the upper thread. Make the length of the stitches longish. Sew...
rtf1ansiansicpg932cocoartf949cocoasubrtf540 fonttblf0fmodernfcharset0 courierf1fnilfcharset 128 hirakakupron-w3 colortblred255green255blue255red34green34 blue34red245green245blue245...
Though I love you So much I pretend indifference. You smile an innocent smile When walking, pulling bicycle. On the beach road To your part-time job Irritated by sunshine. Gingham check You wear Short...
How to make the scrunchie. therse aer the differnt typs of scrunchie you can make. cut the material. Try making the scrunchie from the remainder of cloth, then find the position of the preferred...



CASH TRANSFER Introduction, Process & Impact More than 90% of India's working population works in the informal economy. They inhabit a large number of villages at urban industrial...
■ Lesson 6 ■ ボトムス 洗濯物の「崩れない!」折りたたみ それでは、『トラベリングパック折り』で、 ジーンズを折りたたんでいきたいと思います。 子ども用のジーンズなので腰がゴムになっておりますので、 この辺の折りたたみ方もポイントとして見ていてください。 2つ折りにして、お尻がとんがるようにして折ります。 手前と奥側が平行になるようにしたいので...
My name is Ranma Saotome!! During training journey, I'm cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water!! "Like this" Menma 1/2 Hey what are you doing dad? Do not have...