Miyama Futon & Breakfast Offers an entire thatched house as B&B accommodation Enjoy a luxurious day in the comfort of an entire house. This is "irori". If you want...
Good morning Hotel Nikko Yaeyama breakfast I had the omelet made Sausage Delicious Fu chanpuru I always eat Delicious Narbera Delicious Is sesame? Sesame okra Plain? Ham I eat bread I like to eat put...
Oppan Kim Jong Style Kim Jong Style!! I am Kim Jeong-un and I'm not here to amuse ya, No, not Kim Jeong-il sorry for the confusion. Everybody thinks South Korea makes the best K-Pop. You know...



Hiii it's me again. The truth is...I wanna collab with all of you! You've heard Gangnam Style right? I wanna do a parody of the PV, YouTube Japan Style! SOOOO please help me out! Just...
q and a with Duncan hey kids it's me PDR!!! todays questions are from twitter here's the first question how do i become an idiot (like Dante) do this fuck that reary hurts...



[laughing] No way! Is this another weird music video? Come on, guys. Why is he in a horse farm? Is this song about riding horses? This is K-Pop isn't it? Or J-Pop? J-Rock? One of those things?...
[Content_Types].xml wvfg !)_* @2%d |]Vw. E6{y _rels/.rels QjmH" fc5=z word/_rels/document.xml.rels 5mO" 3)$!s word/document.xml GyuwWA &4$iBcJ a+WNV $++- l2:+p vHONN ~5(6...



Hello! -Hello! We are SayaMiruki! Hey, I have a complex about myself. A complex? What is it? I get a bit tongue tied. Tongue tied? That's not too bad. Well, compared to Sayaka's...



In a where trends in fashion is changing with amazing speed,we often see clothing , accessories and makeup styles extravagant makeup that seem to be drawn from some theatre play with characters that...
Hey everyone, welcome back to Let's Fab Style! Style Savvy! Yes! Let's continue. Last time we saved and now we're going back to the shop aaaaand.... blah blah blah BLAH blah...

